Compulsive gambling can have far-reaching psychological, physiological, social and financial consequences. There are three types of Gamblers which is the Professional, Social and the Problem Gamblers.


Professional gamblers are a rarity. People who gamble professionally make a living by gambling. Successful professional gamblers continually weigh the odds of each situation to decide how to proceed. They are skilled in the games they choose to play and are able to control both the amount of money and time spent gambling. Professional gamblers are not addicted to gambling. They patiently wait for the best bet and then try to win as much as they can. Impulsivity and anger stand in the way of their performance, so professionals dismiss these traits. They also know how to keep their emotions in check, learn from their mistakes, and hone their skills to avoid future losses. They understand the inevitable risks and losses that come with gambling but believe that careful playing of ‘the system’ means that they can gain an income from it. Professionals are quite rational and calm in their approach and rely on calculations and statistics; they pick bets or games that they believe they will win more frequently.


Social gambler is much more common than a professional player. A casual gambler may stop in a casino from time to time, spending a moderate amount of money on slots or blackjack and then head home at the end of the night. For them, gambling may be a distraction or a form of relaxation. Gambling does not interfere with family, social or vocational obligations. They may occasionally play the lottery for fun. Gambling is just one of many of their recreational activities and they can take it or leave it. It is unlikely that this type of gambler will develop a gambling habit. If they do it will tend to be due to some trauma in their life or following an unexpected big win.


Gambling results in at least one negative consequence to the gambler or some person in their life, this would include relationship problems. A problem gambler can go through periods where their gambling activities lessen and they are more in control of their gambling, in between periods of more persistent gambling. They may try to hide their activities and be secretive about unexplained absences, 바카라 then lie or get angry if questioned about their behavior. It is important to seek help for problem gambling before it spirals out of control. The impacts of a gambling addiction can range from minor financial and family problems to severe debt, divorce, mental breakdown and in extreme cases suicide. Problem gambling can be harmful to a person’s physical, emotional and psychological health. Gambling addicts will often experience feelings of depression and anxiety and can also develop severe migraines and sleep disorders as a result of their addiction. Scientists consider there to be a genetic aspect to gambling addiction, as there is research that suggests a correlation between the children of gambling addicts and a higher risk of addiction, however, the exact biology of addiction is still being explored.