We've split the on-premises data gateway docs into content that's specific to Power BI and general content that applies to all services that the gateway supports. You're currently in the Power BI content. To provide feedback on this article, or the overall gateway docs experience, scroll to the bottom of the article.

The on-premises data gateway acts as a bridge to provide quick and secure data transfer between on-premises data (data that isn't in the cloud) and several Microsoft cloud services. These cloud services include Power BI, PowerApps, Power Automate, Azure Analysis Services, and Azure Logic Apps. By using a gateway, organizations can keep databases and other data sources on their on-premises networks, yet securely use that on-premises data in cloud services.

On Premises Gateway Download

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On-premises data gateway: Allows multiple users to connect to multiple on-premises data sources. With a single gateway installation, you can use an on-premises data gateway with all supported services. This gateway is well-suited to complex scenarios in which multiple people access multiple data sources.

Virtual network data gateway: Allows multiple users to connect to multiple data sources that are secured by virtual networks. No installation is required because it's a Microsoft managed service. This gateway is well-suited to complex scenarios in which multiple people access multiple data sources.

Beginning on March 15, 2023, any Power BI dataflow using an on-premises data gateway version older than April 2021 might fail. To ensure your refreshes continue to work correctly, be sure to update your gateway to the latest version and sign in to it.

The on-premises data gateway acts as a bridge. It provides quick and secure data transfer between on-premises data, which is data that isn't in the cloud, and several Microsoft cloud services. These services include Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate, Azure Analysis Services, and Azure Logic Apps.

On-premises data gateway: Allows multiple users to connect to multiple on-premises data sources. With a single gateway installation, you can use an on-premises data gateway with all supported services. This gateway is well suited to complex scenarios where multiple people access multiple data sources.

On-premises data gateway (personal mode): Allows one user to connect to data sources and can't be shared with others. An on-premises data gateway (personal mode) can be used only with Power BI. This gateway is well suited to scenarios where you're the only one who creates reports and you don't need to share any data sources with others.

In addition, there's a virtual network (VNet) data gateway that lets multiple users connect to multiple data sources that are secured by virtual networks. No installation is required because it's a Microsoft managed service. This gateway is well suited to complex scenarios in which multiple people access multiple data sources. Virtual network data gateways are discussed in depth in What is a virtual network (VNet) data gateway.

This document contains general information about the on-premises data gateway that applies to all services that the gateway supports. You can obtain more on-premises data gateway information for specific products by visiting the following product-specific sites.

We recommend that you install this gateway on a server that is running the data source you will be connecting to. While you can install it on a different machine, you will reduce potential network latency by having it on the same machine.

The message Connection successful! is displayed. The data source is now created under the new gateway. The data source is ready for use for any pbix files that are created for this data source.

I've got the on-premises data gateway installed but whenever I try to setup a new gateway, I'm presented with errors. The gateways end up showing up in my list, despite the errors, but don't work. Screenshot attached.

I'm a local administrator on the server this is running on, I've tried launching it as 'administrator', which didn't help. I've setup a new, seperate, local account and have given that account local administrator rights and tried to change the gateway to use the new account I've setup. Doing this, always results in the same errors listed above.

Yes, the data gateway works absolutely great for connecting to data on your environment. The server has to be able to create an outgoing connection (tunnel) to Azure on port 443, 5671, 5672, 9350, 9351, 9352, 9353 and 9354. Once this connection is established, it will allow Azure to connect to your local network through the tunnel to access data. If your network admins prevent these outgoing connections to Azure, it won't work unfortunately. Consider using SharePoint online or Azure SQL for datasources in the cloud, they work great and are really fast compared to on premises storage.

if you have full admin access to your pc, try and install the gateway on your pc to determine if it is a network or a server issue. If this doesn't work on your pc (or notebook) connect your notebook to the internet directly to make sure that is corrects and if it does, you seem to have a network problem.

I was under the impression that the gateway was supposed to be used to connect data within the company to PowerApps. If I can't connect on a company connected computer, I don't think this is going to work for me...

I have this issue as well. So far the only "fix" I have found is to open services.msc, open the 'PBIEgwService' service and retype my password. This lets you not have to reinstall the entire gateway but still not a true fix. I'm still searching for a better fix than this. I'll keep you updated.

Thanks for all that you do. I am having another issue. I would love some insight on how to best switch over control of the on-premise data gateway that I have set up. I will be leaving my current company and want to make sure all the dataflows continue to run.

I installed the standard mode gateway on my laptop in order to pull data from our erp system that uses an on-prem sql server. I then created dataflows in the service that connect to views in the database. What is the best way to transfer ownership of this to someone else? IT is suggesting that I install the gateway onto one of our servers. That doesn't sound right but a lot of the IT side of running powerbi is still new to me. The problem is that our IT team doesn't do much of anything with the PowerBI service I set up.

My first thought was to create a generic user account called powerbi.admin@mycompany and transfer ownership of the gateway and all dataflows to that new username. Then if someone needs to change the gateway, they would download the installer onto their computer and use that account to log in and make changes. I am pretty sure this would work but I have no clue if this is a bad idea.

Due to your data source is from on-premises, it requires to have a data gateway setup. And dataflow only support using Enterprise Gateway, and the user should be the administrator of gateway. You can refer the following documentations for more details.

"Due to your data source is from on-premises, it requires to have a data gateway setup. And dataflow only support using Enterprise Gateway, and the user should be the administrator of gateway. You can refer the following documentations for more details."

Please try to request the owner of gateway to add you as gateway administrator, then check if you can find and choose the corresponding gateway in on-premises data gateway(see the part in red circle). You can refer this documentation about how to add the user as gateway administor.


I test the scenario as yours, both two domain users in my computer can install on-premises gateway(personal mode) in a single machine.

In your scenario, please check if you open required ports in Firewall, also ensure that you right-click the installation package and select "Run as administrator" to start the installation.


The On-Premises Personal Gateway ist installed to C:\Program Files\On-premises data gateway. The Microsoft.PowerBI.EnterpriseGateway is a PBIEgwService and hence not user specific. Both UserA and UserB should be able to see and use the Personal Gateway.

I have Azure AD post login request. Once successful, it returns the session to be used in the next HTTP request. Is there anyway that I could pass session to the next Azure AD in the header from previous Azure AD? The session is being massaged by the data gateway and was invalid in the second Azure AD request.

Can't find any information on this anywhere - I saved incorrect settings on this one on creation and can't change them now. I want to create a new gateway in Azure to associate with the on-premises gateway installation I created on my machine.

Yes, you can delete an on-premise data gateway in Azure (this effectively just removes the association between you on-premise data gateway installation and the Azure resource, it does not uninstall the on-premise data gateway itself).

Yes, now that the on-premises data gateway became generally available in early May 2017, you can delete your gateway resource from the Azure portal. However, this capability applies only to the gateway resource, not the gateway installation. ff782bc1db

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