omosegames - privacy policy

Welcome to Our (“Omosegames”) Privacy Policy document. ''Your Privacy is critical to us''. Our Privacy Policy explains what data our Games accumulate when you visit our site or help out our applications and games, similarly as ways we might use or share it.

We're extraordinarily certified in guaranteeing the security approaches of our ("customers" or "you"). This Privacy Policy (the "Course of action") portrays the habits where Omosegames assemble, store, use, and manage the information, including individual information, that you outfit or we accumulate concerning our destinations or any of our games given on a flexible stage. Generously note that the degree of this Policy is limited to information assembled or got by us through your usage of the Service.

Omosegames is not liable for the exercises of outcast people or associations, the substance of their regions, the usage of the information you provide for them or any things or organizations they may offer. Any interface with those regions or circumstances by those objections doesn't involve our sponsorship of, or relationship with, those people or associations.

Omosegames doesn't intentionally assemble individual information from Children

The Omosegames doesn't deliberately assemble individual information from youngsters under 13 years old (or more settled, accepting that fitting law obliges different protections). Accepting Omosegames becomes careful that a kid has submitted information to the Company, Omosegames deletes this information immediately. Omosegames urges gatekeepers to teach their young people to never give out their certified names, areas, or phone numbers, without assent, while using the Internet.

Children and Family Designed Policy of Omosegames:

Ensuring Child's security is basic to us. Our Game players are all crowd of all ages including youngsters and families planned records; yet before application download our applications have an age rating allocated. Here and there our games may be enlisted into the Google Play family arranged program which suggests the application doesn't accumulate any up close and personal information and has been asserted by Google as safe for youths. The majority of our applications don't assemble individual information.

Games expected for families aren't using redid or Interest-Based plugs. At Omosegames, our all applications partaking in the Designed for Families program have both application and advancement content that are critical and reasonable for Children (assessed ESRB Everyone or Everyone 10+, or same) and simply use Google Play ensured notice SDKs. Applications recognized in the Designed for Families program will remain pleasant with all program requirements.

Agree to this Privacy Policy:

By using the Service, you are conveying your agreement to this Policy and the treatment of your data, including your information, in the way given in this Policy. Expecting you don't agree to these terms, sympathetically don't use the Service.

Grouping and Use of User Information:

Omosegames accumulate information as depicted under. Our fundamental destinations in social event and using information is to make your record, offer Types of help to you, work on our Service, reach out to you, lead investigate and make reports for inside use.

How we make use of Cookies:

A cookie is a little text record that we move to your PC or possibly device, to perceive a customer's PC/contraption and to review things about your visit, similar to your tendencies or a username and mystery key. Information contained in a cookie may be associated with your information for purposes, for instance, chipping away at the idea of our Service, fitting ideas to your tendencies, and simplifying the Service to use.

You can impair cookies at whatever point, despite the way that you will not be able to get to or use features of the Service. We may feature advancements served by outsiders that pass on cookies to your PC/device so the substance you access and advertisements you see can be followed. Since the pariah advancing associations’ accomplice your PC/device with a number, they will need to see your PC/contraption each time they send you a promotion. These supporters may use information about your visits to our Service and outcast objections and applications to measure notice execution and to give advertisements about work and items vital to you.

This Policy doesn't have any critical bearing to, and we are not liable for the data grouping practices of these pariah patrons, and Omosegames encourage you to truly investigate their security techniques to plunge further into their use of cookies and another advancement.

How We Use Information:

We at Omosegames use information assembled through our Service for purposes depicted in this Policy or uncovered to you concerning our Service. For example, we may use your information generally to control and give the Games, and Services, contact you with administrative information, contact you with displaying offers (expecting you exhibited your hankering to get those), and work on the Games, and Services.

Do we share Your (User) information?

Omosegames don't share your information other than as supported by you or as depicted under:

With your consent, for example, when you agree to our contribution your information to other outsiders for their exhibiting purposes subject to their distinctive security draws near. We may associate with various associations and individuals to perform organizations to our advantage. Delineation of these organizations joins looking at data. These trained professionals and expert centers may move toward your information concerning the introduction of organizations.

Omosegames may convey your information as permitted by law or when we acknowledge that conveyance is fitting to adjust to the law; maintain or apply our opportunities; or secure the advantages, property, or prosperity of us or our customers, or others. This fuses exchanging information with various associations and relationships for deception confirmation.

Omosegames may bestow your information in relationship with any combination, the proposition of our assets, financing, or acquiring of all or a piece of our business to another association. We may share aggregate or obscure information about you with advertisers, distributors, partners, upholds, and other outsiders.

Policy about Information Security:

Omosegames take reasonable measures to protect your information from unapproved access or against hardship, misuse, or adjustment by outsiders. Notwithstanding the way that we set forth incredible certainty endeavors to store the information assembled on the Service in a protected working environment that isn't available to everybody, we can't guarantee the by and large security of that information during its transmission or it's accumulating on our systems. Further, while we attempt to ensure the reliability and security of our association and structures, we can't guarantee that our wellbeing endeavors will prevent outcast "software engineers" from illegally getting induction to this information. We don't warrant or address that your information will be gotten against, disaster, misuse, or adjustment by outsiders.

What Ad Networks do we use?

Omosegames may incorporate advertisements inside our Service. The advertisers may accumulate and use information about you, for instance, your Service meeting movement, device identifier, IMEI, geo-region information, and IP address. They may use this information to give advertisements critical to you. Additionally, you may see our games advertised in various organizations. Ensuing to tapping on one of these promotions and presenting our game, you will wind up being a customer of our Service. To check presents, a device identifier may be granted to the marketing expert.

List of Ad Networks we use:


Google Admob


Google Ad Manager


How often we change this Privacy Policy:

Omosegames keep up with whatever authority is expected to change this Policy at whatever point. If we decide to change this Policy, we will post those movements on this page and update the date at the most elevated place of the page. The movements will be feasible when posted. Assuming no one cares, either way, check this page reliably with the objective that you stay educated regarding what information we accumulate and how we use it.

Have More Queries?

Assuming you have inquiries regarding how Omosegames uses your information, we are here to help you. For any solicitations or stresses concerning your policy, you may reach Omosegames utilizing the beneath email: