when you join this league there are 3 options, opting to compete, become and understudy or spectate. i'll fill you on the details fo those in order. i manually send these to the people i message from recruit chat on discord or other media, along with the rules that i have under the PVE banlist section.
rewards: COMPETITION and a coaching job that pays monthly
payment method: none
entry fee: $0
total player count: 6
date: this Saturday (if you work on Saturdays let me know, i host PVP tournaments on in the afternoon)
start time: noon est(normally)(noon as in 12 pm midday)
mission node: varies. check the pinned messages in the #announcements channel of the server.
2: provide information about if you can stream on YouTube or not.(from there i'll give further instructions.
3: set an alarm on your phone for Saturday and Sunday, 11:30 AM EST. this is so that you can be reminded of the event.
4: get an understudy.( from recruit chat, the server or just a friend) from there tell me their gamertag and discord
if you agree to follow the conditions, say if you can stream and if the alarm is set. both are yes or no questions.
what exactly we'll be doing.
2 players start the same survival(or any other endless mode) at the same time. the first guy to fail loses. these are online survival tournaments that i like to call outlast.
extra rewards outside of coaching
we have a paid championship called Master of Gun and Blade, it's completely different from the tournaments. the utmost requirement to sign up for that is to have a viable payment method and to play in atleast 3 tournaments beforehand. to be clear this is not necessary at all and you can simply play in weekly tournaments regulary if you want.
:no mods mean no mods on anything weapons, frame, etc.
:yes you can use companions
:my definition of camping is staying in the same room for too long. 2 minutes and you need to move.
: 0$ means no money involved for the regular tournament.
:yes, you can revive yourself in any tournament.
: the average match time is at most an hour
:aura mods aren't allowed
:arcanes are fair game
:companions are allowed but unmodded
:operator passives are allowed
:kuva and tenet weapons are allowed, also others because they’re not banned
:no, these are not done on steel path
:yes, archon shards are allowed
understudy information
If you don't feel like you can win this tournament, you can still compete as an understudy for someone else. to be clear, that's just someone who shows up in the place of someone else who can't make it. now, with that person you're filling in for, you can contact them beforehand and train with them. that way he can help you get better and more prepared for the tournament if you're needed. along with helping you with anything else you'd need ingame so you can do well when you fill in for him. there's not as much pressure with this understudy/GhstKill player role because you don't have to be as confident as a regular competitor. Also i’ll let you know if you’ll be understudying for prowess players that are incoming to the league. They’ll be playing on Saturdays at noon EST but since you’re an understudy your schedule will be more flexible if you can’t make it. All you need to do is just make it clear if you're able to stream, set the alarm and just be ready if you're needed.
is this would you'd like to do instead of competing regularly?
first things first, here's the channel link so you can keep up with everything.
as a spectator, you can still help us out if you'd like to support us.
the the easiest and most crucial job you can take would be the conversation starter role. no stress or time management, just more direct assistance with starting conversations.
there are also jobs that you can get paid for in the league as well but these require more skill and dedication.
as of now, we have commentary script writer, record analysis, commentator, recorder/spectator, video editor, sound director and media influencer roles that you can take on. in which you would work within a crew to process videos and commentary for those videos.
if you'd like to work on a competitive team you can take on the following roles: strategist, loadout constructor, trade manager, prowess recruiter, and staff manager. if you want to help then just tell me the role you want. I'll give you more information about it and its rewards.
As of right now we are building up the league. getting more reliable competitors and building trust by completing tournaments. to do that we're doing tournaments with low, player counts, entry fees and prize pools.
Tournament details(once we get reliable players we will use these guidelines)
Team Annihilation
$1020 prize pool
46.13 dollar entry fee
2 teams per match
3 players per team
24 player tournament
4 players per match(plus the spectator)
$900 prize pool
30.08 dollar entry fee
7 players per match(plus the spectator)
30 player tournament
(GTO)Ground Team Outlast(Survivals)(two teams playing survivals at the same time first to fail loses)
$960 prize pool
24 player tournament
40.08 dollar entry fee
2 players per team
3 players per match(splitscreen stream one of them from each team)
(GO)Ground Outlast(Survivals)(2 people playing survivals at the same time first to fail loses)
$900 prize pool
30 player tournament
30.08 entry fee
2 players per match(splitscreen steaming)
$670 prize pool
2 players per team
33.13 dollar entry fee
5 players per match(plus the spectator)
20 player tournament
Cephalon Capture
$720 prize pool
2 teams per match
30.08 dollar entry fee
2 players per team
24 player tournament
4 players per match(7 if you count the spectator)
Solo Defense(for Defense no camping (as in not moving not as in staying in the same room)
$900 prize pool
30 player tournament
30.08 dollar entry fee
2 players per match(splitscreen steaming)
Team Defense(no camping (as in not moving not as in staying in the same room)
$960 prize pool
24 player tournament
3 players per team
40.08 dollar entry fee
4 players per match(splitscreen stream one of them from each team)
$900 prize pool
30 player tournament
30.08 dollar entry fee
2 players per match(splitscreen steaming)
$960 prize pool
24 player tournament
2 players per team
40.08 dollar entry fee
3 players per match(splitscreen stream one of them from each team)
$960 prize pool
30 player tournament
32.08 dollar entry fee
2 players per match(splitscreen steaming)
$1000 prize pool
32 player tournament
31.33 dollar prize pool
2 players per team
3 players per match(splitscreen stream one of them from each team)
Sanctuary Onslaught(duos)
$1000 prize pool
32 player tournament
2 players per team
$31.33 entry fee
3 players per match(splitscreen stream one of them from each team)
Sanctuary Onslaught(solo)
$960 prize pool
32.08 dollar entry fee
30 player tournament
2 players per match(splitscreen steaming)
(where all of the tournament matches are archived)
Battlefy link (where we setup tournaments)