OMAD: Object Model with Articulated Deformations for Pose Estimation and Retrieval

Abstract: Articulated objects are pervasive in daily life. However, due to the intrinsic high-DoF structure, the joint states of the articulated objects are hard to be estimated. To model articulated objects, two kinds of shape deformations namely the geometric and the pose deformation should be considered. In this work, we present a novel category-specific parametric representation called Object Model with Articulated Deformations (OMAD) to explicitly model the articulated objects. In OMAD, a category is associated with a linear shape function with shared shape basis and a non-linear joint function. Both functions can be learned from a large-scale object model dataset and fixed as category-specific priors. Then we propose an OMADNet to predict the shape parameters and the joint states from an object's single observation. With the full representation of the object shape and joint states, we can address several tasks including category-level object pose estimation and the articulated object retrieval. To evaluate these tasks, we create a synthetic dataset based on PartNet-Mobility. Extensive experiments show that our simple OMADNet can serve as a strong baseline for both tasks.