A mantra is an ancient rhythmic chant that is practiced for mental, spiritual or emotional healing. The powerful sounds of a mantra are composed to fulfil a certain intention, both for the chanter and the listener.

The oldest mantra is said to be more than 3000 years old, and mantras are found in various cultures across the world, including Hinduism and Buddhism.

Mantra meditation is the practice of deep focused listening to a mantra in a meditative state to fulfil a certain intention. Mantra meditation is an excellent tool to raise one's vibrations, overcome suffering and strengthen one's powers of attraction.

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The healing power of a mantra lies in its sounds. Each mantra has been composed in order to create a certain response from the mind, body and spirit.

A mantra, when practiced repeatedly with complete surrender, has the ability to heal in the following ways:

 * It swiftly detaches the mind from all current overwhelming thoughts and emotions.

 * It elevates one's vibrations, creating a vibrational shield of positivity and clarity.

 * It strengthens the powers of intuition and attraction.

 * It soothes all pain and suffering with its deep sounds.

 * It improves mental faculties like memory, concentration and creativity.

 * It is an enhancing additional tool that can deepen the experience of most other spiritual practices.

 * It grants these benefits to both the chanter and the listener of the mantra

Chanting a mantra is one way of receiving the benefits of that mantra.

However, it might be quite a difficult task to master the pronunciation of a mantra, especially if it is in a language that is foreign to you.

In that case, you can always gain the same benefits of a mantra by practicing mantra meditation. Simply put, mantra meditation is the practice of focused listening to a mantra while being in a meditative state.

Comparing the two, chanting and meditation, you should choose mantra meditation if you are at all in doubt or in difficulty regarding the pronunciation.

That's because not pronouncing the mantra right hampers its power drastically.

That said, even though it can at times be complicated to learn chanting, it is worth the effort. 

Chanting a mantra is an intensely satisfying, liberating experience that you must try to gain.

You only have to answer three important question to figure out if mantras and mantra meditation will work for you:

Are you ready to move past your suffering and conflicts?

Are you ready to set a strong intention of well-being and give it your sincerest focus?

Are you ready to devote some time and attention to the practice of raising your vibrations every day?

If your answer to these questions is 'Yes,' then mantras will certainly work for you, and guide you on the path of your desired life.

Although a mantra is an excellent tool for soothing our suffering and uplifting our lives, it is not an alternative for any medical treatment or therapy.

It is important to remember that while medication, treatment and medical therapy support our physical healing, mantras do the job of aligning our mind and our consciousness to derive the most from such healing.

We love mantras, and we want them to soothe as many lives across the world as possible.

While mantras have been around since as early as 3000 years ago, we bring them to the world in a new, enhanced, and easy-to-practice way.

Mahakatha offers all of these mantras on YouTube for patrons to listen and enjoy for free. However, for our listeners who feel inspired to make these mantras a part of their daily lives, we offer the complete, uninterrupted audios. 

We also put together albums that align with specific intentions, that can benefit a beginner and an experienced practitioner alike.

Above all, our patrons have been kind in considering the purchase of our productions as a way of supporting us, and enabling us to create more such healing content.

Guru is the source of all knowledge. In Hindu dharma, Guru or the supreme teacher is given the greatest importance since he is the one who shows the path to the divine. The mother shows the child who is its father, the father shows the child who is its Guru, and the Guru shows the child who is God. The Sanatana Dharma gives paramount importance to Guru. Thus, this is a powerful mantra to chant for deep meditation.

This mantra is done before chanting other Durga Mantras. It helps one to achieve a better concentration in his work and in anything he does. This mantra for meditation helps us to focus and it is an important mantra for everyone.

Acharya Shiv Muni (1942-) offers retreats that provide instruction in Adhyatma Dhyan. Combining philosophy with mantra, this practice includes reflection on karmic accretions, remembrance of their evanescence, and systematic silencing of all identifications. After questioning "Who Am I?" through the mantra ko'ham, one settles into a state of quietude through the mantra so'ham.

Lord Shiva is the god of destruction and creation at the same time and is a symbol of mercy and grace. There are many ways in which lord shiva is worshiped to appease him, and it is very easy to please lord shiva and get his blessings. Some rituals and pujas are held, dedicated to him, which include recitation of different mantras, through which the devotees get successful in life.

With the regular chanting of shiv mantras, one becomes extremely strong from within, and their spirit becomes like an iron fist, which cannot be broken by any mishap. Those who chant shiv mantras with a pure soul can fight any battle in life, and come out of it being a better and stronger person. These mantras also help to cleanse the body and soul of any negative energy that could be inside the person or around them and fills their life with positive energy.

rishis_chhando_aparijnAnAn_na mantraha falabhak bhavet/daurvalyam yati mantraNAm viniyoga-ajAnatAm// meaning : Without knowledge of the rishi, chhanda and viniyoga, the Mantra becomes weak and it does not bear any fruit.

According to SrividyA-ratnasukta, 'Man' signifies 'Manana' and 'Tra' signifies trAna (relief/ removal of bondage). According to the PingalA-mata-Tantra, from which one can contemplate on the real knowledge about the world and get his wordly bondages removed is mantra.Gayatritantra defines mantra as that which washes off all sins and yields bliss and liberation is mantra.

yena yat rishinA drishtam siddhih prAptA cha yena vai/mantrena tasya tat proktam rishe bhAbas tadArshakam// (tika to 1), meaning that to whom the mantra appears is rishi.He also becomes siddha in that mantra. The source of mantra must be divine, that is it is not man-made.

Yes, dhyAna-mantra can be different for tge same deity. For example, Kali has eight to twelve or even more forms.DakshinA-KAli has two dhyAna-mantras.Everything is there mentioned clearly in the scriptures.

Once you get comfortable with sitting still and you can listen to your breathing for extended periods of time without difficulty, try to introduce a mantra. A mantra is simply a repeated syllable, word or phrase that helps you focus. During your meditation session, repeat your mantra over and over.

plz add more mantras of chamunda kali maa. jai maa kali, jai maa chamund, jai dasmundewali maa. i want to please kali maa and call her, i mean i want her to hear me, plz tell me, how it could be possible?

Dhumavati Mahavidya Dhyan and Mantra just depicts the resemblance and mantra of Smoky Mahavidya Dhumavati. Dhumavati is a Mahavidya, a smoky form of energy or Shakti. Dhumavati is an eternal widow, the energy without Shiva. Dhumavati is one of Ten Mahavidyas. Dhumavati is the divine mother at the time of the deluge, when the world was under water. She is often called tender-hearted and a bestower of boons. Dhumavati is described as a great teacher, one who reveals ultimate knowledge of the universe. Her ugly form teaches the devotee to look beyond the superficial, to look inwards and seek the inner truths of life.

The dhyana mantra of Dhumavati says that she is ugly, unsteady, and angry. She is tall and wears filthy garments. Her ears are hideous and rough, she has elongated teeth, and her breasts hang down. She has a nose shaped like a crow's beak. She is sometimes said to resemble a crow, which appears as her emblem atop her chariot. She has the disposition of a widow. Her eyes are fearsome, and her hands tremble. In one hand she holds a winnowing basket, and with the other hand she makes the gesture of conferring boons. Her nature is discourteous. She constantly yearns for food and drink and is never satisfied. She likes to create conflict, and she is always terrifying in appearance.

Shiva Mantra essentially helps in eliminating enemies from the path and hence it is also called the Raktha Kavach Mantra. Chanting of Shiva mantra on Chaturdashi is considered very effective and auspicious. Regular chanting of Shiva mantra attracts success and prosperity in all walks of life.

Benefit : Divine vibrations that are generated during the chanting of this mantra ward off all the negative and evil forces and create a powerful protective shield against diseases, sorrows, fears etc.

These are the 11 forms of Rudra and their mantras. These mantras are very very effective when chanted during the stationary (Stambha) period of Saturn. Shani is stationary typically 3-4 days before it goes retrograde and 3-4 days after it goes retrograde. Saturn goes retrograde around 7th of April 2017 in India as per some panchang. 17dc91bb1f

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