Beginning with the Rig Veda in the 12th century BC, Indian people have worshiped various deities over a long period of time. Not only the style of that belief, the forms and significance of rituals and festivals, various considerations surrounding the course of human life and the meaning of life have evolved in a wide variety of ways. A process in which different lineages of thought have engaged in repeated mutual criticism and have coexisted while exerting influence on each other has continued until the present day. For example, many Hindu philosophers preach about liberation from reincarnations; however, a variety of modes are approved as a means of liberation--for example, some philosophers allow for abstinence and austerity, while others emphasize learning and meditation. An enormous number of scriptures have been written and various beliefs are intermingled according to the times and sect. Nevertheless, all of this constitute Hinduism.

However, due to the anti-Hindu stance described above, the Mahnubhv sect gradually weakened and disappeared in the Hindu society of past times. It was not until the modern era that the Mahnubhv sect regained momentum.

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This stance of the Mahnubhv sect does not seem to be a phenomenon limited to modern times. The 14th-century scripture Smtistha depicts what happened after the demise of the sect founder Cakradhar; specifically, how his remaining disciples searched for traces of their teacher's avatr and made these items into sacred relics. 006ab0faaa

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