Proftpd Download File

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ProFTPD includes a number of options that are not available with many other FTP daemons.[4] The configuration of ProFTPD is performed in a single main configuration file called /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf. Due to its similarities to the configuration file of Apache HTTP Server it is intuitively understandable to someone who uses this popular web server.

This should be the "better way" to solve the problem when you have control of proftpd as it handles all the work for you - you can assume that any file which doesn't start .in. is a completed upload. You can also safely delete any orphan .in.* files after some arbitrary period of inactivity in a tidy-up script somewhere.

I also get this emails from beginning of OMV. proftpd requires more time than the delay of the first check of monit is. You can increase the default delay of 30 seconds via the OMV_MONIT_CHECK_START_DELAY environment variable.

My system was running fine, until yesterday. output of configtest is:[root@ns1 ~]# proftpd --configtestChecking syntax of configuration file - IPv4 getaddrinfo 'ns1' error: Name or service not known - warning: unable to determine IP address of 'ns1' - error: no valid servers configured - Fatal: error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd.conf'

The best UI I found is gadmin-proftpd (screenshot) but that is an GTK app and requires a lot of dependency packages. Then if your main desktop is a linux system, you'll have to open a ssh connection with x11 tunnel to unraid and then the gui will open on your machine. If you are on windows you'll have to install the virtualbox plugin and a linux virtual machine with gnome desktop (eg. Linux Mint). You connect to that from windows and make it tunnel into unraid to show the gui.

Sounds complicated? Well, it is. And it isn't something one could possibly write another plugin for. There will still be manual steps left to do, which might be too complicated or too much hassle for some to tackle. And still even gadmin-proftpd does only provide a subset of the things ProFTPd can do.

I never tried myself. Support is compiled in, so theoretically it should work. AFAIK certificates will have to be created beforehand, which is not done automatically. Also there may be changes in the config needed, which have to be done by hand also. Please check the proftpd documentation and Google for further info.

I had gadmin-proftpd running on my system, which if I remember correctly was able to generate certificates and change the config. But you'll need a full slackware system with added unraid or have to install a big load of additional packages to stock unraid if you want to get this to work. For stock unraid you'll then need another linux system from which you tunnel into the x11 output of the unraid system to get the gui of gadmin-proftpd. Not an easy task and nothing that could be easily put into an plugin.

Two things to consider though. First: Unraid 5 comes with a FTP server installed already. It will allow unraid users full FTP access to all unraid directories. Test it, if it's sufficient for you, you won't need my plugin. My plugin is for you, if you want to limit your FTP users in what they may access and what not. Or if you want lots of users stored in a sql database, additional security features or other stuff proftpd provides.

It seems you have no mysql installed, so please download proftpd-1.3.5rc2.tgz package and put it in the plugin folder. Open a shell and change to this folder and manually do installplg proftpd-1.3.5.rc2.tgz.

Please delete the proftpd folder and the proftpd.plg in /boot/config/plugins and restart your server to get a clean system. Then please unzip the redownloaded plugin to /boot/config/plugins and restart again.


# /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf -- This is a basic ProFTPD configuration file.

# To really apply changes, reload proftpd after modifications, if

# it runs in daemon mode. It is not required in inetd/xinetd mode.


# In order to keep log file dates consistent after chroot, use timezone info

# from /etc/localtime. If this is not set, and proftpd is configured to

# chroot (e.g. DefaultRoot or ), it will use the non-daylight

# savings timezone regardless of whether DST is in effect.

SetEnv TZ :/etc/localtime

Thinking this was all I needed to do to activate LDAP I tried to connect with a known AD user and password without success. Doing some debugging by running proftpd as a non-daemon process showed no activity relating to LDAP.

Protecting the proftpd daemon further can be done by adding TCP Wrapper support to allow or deny hosts based on source IP Address. The module mod_wrap is active by default, but not configured. You can configure it by adding the config into the main proftpd config, but I chose to add it into a conf.d/mod_wrap.conf file instead.

To head off a common problem, for anonymous access to work with /bin/false as the shell for the ftp user (the default configuration), you must add the line RequireValidShell off to /etc/proftpd.conf. Otherwise anonymous logins will receive a 530 error.

The second configuration param which is important is log_options.tag: proftpd, this option will enable us tofilter the logs from this specific container with rsyslog and write it to a specific filewhere we can point fail2ban to monitor and ban eventual unwanted visitors.

Allowing WAN access was not so simple for me. Here is what I did to make the ftp work for the WAN. 

1 - First proftpd has to be configured properly for incoming connection for both Active and Passive modes. For that purpose a couple of lines need to be added to /tmp/proftpd/etc/proftpd.conf. 

Add this if using a domain name(needless to say replace the domain name or IP with your domain name or IP:

Xinetd is a so called super-server. It receives requests on configurable ports and then starts an appropriate serverprocess.In our case xinetd should manage the ftp-requests and start proftpd. So install xinetd:

In orthodox, proftpd uses system passwd file to define users access. That means ftp users are system users.Buuump! It's not possible to define more than one user in dd-wrt.However, there is a way out.

Thank you for the ideas and for the speed test.

The proftpd has enough connections in the config, the problem also happens when only one client is connected to the server.

The problem is also exist on my partner hosting company.

One of my clients reports me he has this problem from october. I checked the yum log and I found there was an iworx-proftpd update in september (1.3.5).

I forced back the previous version (1.3.4a) rpm and it seems to be the problem solved, today everything was OK!

I will test it for a few days and I hope I can close this case!

Upgrading from proftpd-2:1.3.7e-1 to proftpd-2:1.3.8-1 causes a fatal regression for me, in that the users cannot list the shared root directory any more.I have manually downgraded to proftpd-2:1.3.7e-1 until I can figure out what is going on. 5376163bf9

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