7831 Vulcan

Name: Vulcan
Translation: The roman name for Hephaestus; the god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture.

Type: Arctic
Phenotype: Seal bay arctos varnish roan appaloosa calva with hornstripe (carries flaxen)
Genotype: Ee Ata nf nAr nLp(roan) nCal nHs

Gender:  Stallion
Age: appears 10 years old, exact age unknown (being a god and all)
Height: 15.2hh
Build Type: Shire

Plaque: Here



------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown

----------------- SS: ID 4349

------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown

Sire: ID 5124

------------------------------------------ SDS: ID 4067

----------------- SD: ID 4191

------------------------------------------ SDD: ID 4070

------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown

----------------- DS: ID 4073

------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown

Dam: ID 4266

------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown

----------------- DD: ID 4131

------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown 

RP Status: Open

Orientation: Straight

Voice Claim: tba


Personality: Vulcan is very serious, get straight to the point, no sugarcoating. He's a firm believer that there's a time for work and a time for play, although he's pretty much always working

Quirks: He dreams of finding himself a lovely lady who will love him for who he is, and won't try and change everything about him

Dislikes: Foals- they're young and immature, they don't have a drive to work yet, they'd much rather play and mess around (essentially the complete opposite of himself)

Breeding Slots:

🚫 Unusable |  ✅ good to go | ✔️ used

🚫01. DragonWarlordess | Mate | Foal | Parent Slot

🚫02. Fargonon | Mate | Foal | Designer Slot

🚫03. Espclyheinous | Mate | Foal

🚫04. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫05. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫06. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫07. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫08. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫09. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫10. Mine | Mate | Foal


Current Rank: Novice


Transfer: LINK Designer: FargononReference Stock: link