6795 Halcyon

Name: Halcyon
Nickname: Hal

Type: Mountain, Light
Phenotype: Silver perlino spotted blanket appaloosa overo jester with hornstripe
Genotype: Ee Aa CrCr ZZ nO nLp(Patn2) nJe nHs

Gender: Stallion
Age: Unknown, appears around 13 years
Height: 16.1hh
Build Type: Morgan

Plaque: Here



------------------------------------------ SSS: ID 564

----------------- SS: ID 017

------------------------------------------ SSD: ID 035

Sire: ID 917

------------------------------------------ SDS: unknown

----------------- SD: ID 836

------------------------------------------ SDD: unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown

----------------- DS: ID 198

------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown

Dam: ID 1276

------------------------------------------ DDS: unknown

----------------- DD: ID 895
------------------------------------------ DDD: unknownΒ 

RP Status: Open

Orientation: Closeted gay

Voice Claim: tba


Personality: Halcyon is a relaxed boy who lives for the finer things in life. He's usually seen sipping wine like a classy b*tch, he's very refined and serious. He's not crazy about children, mostly because they are wild and carefree, he prefers a more upperclass and sophisticated crowd.

Quirks: He loves to cook and often throws elaborate dinner parties for his friends

Dislikes: Dirty/unkept homes

Breeding Slots:

🚫 Unusable |Β  βœ… good to go | βœ”οΈ used

🚫01. Fargonon | Mate | Foal

🚫02. littlewillow-art | Mate | Foal

🚫03. FiestyWatermelon | Mate | Foal

🚫04. renaakaii | Mate | Foal

🚫05. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫06. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫07. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫08. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫09. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫10. Mine | Mate | Foal


Current Rank:


Transfer: linkΒ Designer: Fargonon