6713 Et amor Sortem Scelerisque

Name: Et amor Sortem Scelerisque
Translation: Lots of Love and Chocolate
Nickname: LC

Type: Plains
Phenotype: Palomino snowflake appaloosa calva archetain (Regius) (carries flaxen and jester)
Genotype: ee Ata nCr nf nLp(snow) nCal nAtn nJe

Gender: Sterile Stallion
Age: physically, 12. Mentally, probably around 3?
Height: 19.2hh
Build Type: Percheron

Plaque: Here



------------------------------------------ SSS: ID 1615

----------------- SS: ID 3469

------------------------------------------ SSD: ID 600

Sire: ID 5655

------------------------------------------ SDS: ID 3022

----------------- SD: ID 3504

------------------------------------------ SDD: ID 1343

------------------------------------------ DSS: ID 3016

----------------- DS: ID 4586

------------------------------------------ DSD: ID 2190

Dam: ID 5656

------------------------------------------ DDS: ID 876

----------------- DD:  ID 1147
------------------------------------------ DDD:  ID 122 

RP Status: Open

Orientation: doesn't matter because he's both sterile and like a child mentally

Voice Claim: John Malkovich as Lennie 


Personality: Poor LC is the definition of a struggle-bus. His brain is stunted in his head, aging much slower (if at all) compared to the rest of him. He's often the butt of jokes made by foals around the stables, both because he's slow and because of his constant head shaking. He's always being looked after the many mothers and mares at the stables, as if he was all their child. 

Quirks: His head is constantly shaking which often gives him headaches that require him to rest in the dark in his stall. He is inbred and as a result is sterile and suffers from Trigeminal mediated headshaking.

Dislikes: Being made fun of...

Breeding Slots:

🚫 Unusable |  ✅ good to go | ✔️ used

Closed as he is sterile!


Current Rank:


Transfer: linkDesigner: OliveDoodleReference Stock: