6550 Parva Ursus

Name: Parva Ursus
Translation: Little Bear
Nickname: Junior, June

Type: Plains
Phenotype: Seal bay dun dotted sooty snowflake appaloosa
Genotype: Ee Ata DD nZ nLp(snow) nDs

Gender: Mare
Age: 4 years
Height: 19hh
Build Type: Haflinger

Plaque: Here



------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown

----------------- SS: Unknown

------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown

Sire: ID 3945

------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown

----------------- SD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: ID 1340

----------------- DS: ID 1522

------------------------------------------ DSD: ID 1232

Dam: ID 1994

------------------------------------------ DDS: ID 601

----------------- DD: ID 774

------------------------------------------ DDD: ID 600

RP Status: Semi-open

Orientation: Straight

Voice Claim: tba


Personality: tba

Quirks: Everyone asks if 4817 Amor Vexillifer is her twin, and she's always happy to say no, he's just her older full sibling who gets on her nerves a lot; has frizzy hair that is always getting in her face, which she complains about despite never cutting it or making an effort to tame it downΒ 

Dislikes: How much she gets mistaken for her brother

Breeding Slots:

🚫 Unusable |Β  βœ… good to go | βœ”οΈ used

🚫01. MonsLeonis | Mate | Foal

🚫02. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫03. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫04. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫05. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫06. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫07. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫08. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫09. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫10. Mine | Mate | Foal


Current Rank: Intermediate

Stats: 169

Designer: OliveDoodleReference Stock: linkΒ