3819 Cassius

Name: Cassius

Type: Mountain, Draft
Phenotype: Silver bay dun
Genotype: EE Aa nD nZ

Gender: Stallion
Age:  12 years
Height: 16.2
Build Type: Irish Draught

Plaque: Here


⛰️He is inbred and as a result, physically weak

⛰️Nameplate: LINK 


------------------------------------------ SSS: ID 1321

----------------- SS: ID 1794

------------------------------------------ SSD: ID 1590

Sire: ID 2994

------------------------------------------ SDS: B-315

----------------- SD:ID 539

------------------------------------------ SDD: F-06

------------------------------------------ DSS: ID 5779

----------------- DS: ID 940

------------------------------------------ DSD: Vale Decorum

Dam: ID 1155

------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown

----------------- DD:  ID 127

------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown 

RP Status: Open

Orientation: uhhhhh

Voice Claim: tba


Personality: He forms his personality based on who he's around (idk I'll say I'll change it later but I probably won't)

Quirks: Has a reoccurring nightmare that all the little tines on his horns turn into snakes

Dislikes: snakes

Breeding Slots:

🚫 Unusable |  ✅ good to go | ✔️ used

🚫01. aemerine | Mate | Foal

✅02. SammieAsMagPie | ID 2228 | Foal

🚫03. Dragonwarlordess | Mate | Foal

🚫04. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫05. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫06. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫07. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫08. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫09. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫10. Mine | Mate | Foal


Current Rank:


Transfer: LinkDesigner: Dragonwarlordess