3594 Gloria Occasus

Name: Gloria Occasus
Translation: Sunset Baby
Nickname: Sunny

Type: Plains
Phenotype: Red dun sabino rictus (carries silver)
Genotype: ee aa nD nZ nSb nRi

Gender: Stallion
Age: 6 years
Height: 17.2hh
Build Type: Holsteiner 

Plaque: Here



------------------------------------------ SSS: ID 566

----------------- SS: ID 1135

------------------------------------------ SSD: ID 037

Sire: ID 2331

------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown

----------------- SD: ID 482

------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: ID 071

----------------- DS: ID 649

------------------------------------------ DSD: P-134

Dam: ID 3194

------------------------------------------ DDS: ID 522

----------------- DD: ID 1994

------------------------------------------ DDD: ID 774 

RP Status: Semi-open

Orientation: Straight

Voice Claim: tba


💕Sunny has an unbreaking, undying love for his human Sophia, that tops any relationship he could have with a fellow Ballator

Personality: Sunny is a big gentle goofball, who loves his tiny human very much. He cares about his family and human, and wants to share happiness to the world.

Quirks: He cares for his girl Sophia more than he does most other creatures

Dislikes: Those who are rude, cold, aggressive, etc

Breeding Slots:

🚫 Unusable |  ✅ good to go | ✔️ used

✔️01. IndigoCharger | ID 3798 | ID 4269 

✅02. naomithewolf | ID 1154 | Foal

🚫03. GoldenGhostStables | Mate | Foal

✔️04. tundr-a | ID 3211 | ID 7177

🚫05. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫06. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫07. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫08. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫09. CLOSED | Mate | Foal

🚫10. Mine | Mate | Foal


Current Rank:


Transfer: linkDesigner: werewolfluva