OLIVE UEF Workshop 8.12.2021

Here you can find the Manual sources for the afternoon presentation.

Please look at the different ways of presenting in numeric order. There are 5 different examples.

Details of each content are listed above the content.

1. Video

Here's a video of how to use breakout rooms in teams

(how-to-use guide, no subtitles. Video and voice)

2. Slideshow

Here's a slideshow of how to use Breakout rooms in Teams.

(You can click the pop-out button at the top right to make it appear bigger.)

(how-to-use guide, slideshow. Text and pictures)


3. Thinglink

Here's a thinglink on Mire as a learning environment

(Picture with embedded links and points of interest. Videos are subtitled from speech and include some descriptions. Picture, map, text, video, voice)

4. Video

Here's a video of a water boiling experiment aiming to teach the changes in basic matters of state.

Please do not watch the whole video. A bit from the beginning, middle, and end is enough for this purpose. Save 15 minutes for the next part!

(video of the whole experiment (70 mins, sped up at some points), texts describing main topics during experiments, few direct subtitles. Video, voice and text)

5. Interactive video

Here's an interactive video/picture using 360 photos. You can travel forward by clicking arrows or open a room directly from the menu. The video shows the way to the LUMA-center in Joensuu and two rooms. There are only 2 information points that open a video in Finnish. The video is not yet ready, but we wanted to show it anyway.

You can download the executable (.exe) file to your computer and launch it. Then you can travel around Natura on your own computer. The file works on WINDOWS computers.

Download video here: Natura (LUMA) video

(Interactive video, links to videos via info points similarly to Thinglink demonstrated earlier)

The video is done by Mika Torvinen, and there will be more of similar to come in the future in their project.