Olga A. Rud
Department of Economics & Finance, University of Stavanger
Interests: Experimental Finance, Experimental Economics
Working papers
Trade, Voting, and ESG policies: Theory and Evidence (joint with John Duffy, Dan Friedman, and Jean Paul Rabanal), Under Review
ETF indexing strategies and asset prices: Experimental evidence (joint with Peter Bossaerts, John Duffy, Jean Paul Rabanal, and Nitin Yadav)
Latest Publications
(2024) The impact of ETF index inclusion on stock prices, Management Science, forthcoming (with John Duffy, Dan Friedman, and Jean Paul Rabanal)
(2023) Market Reactions to Stock Splits: Experimental Evidence, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, forthcoming (with John Duffy and Jean Paul Rabanal)
(2023) Entry and Exit Decisions Under Public and Private Information: An Experiment, Experimental Economics, (with J. Horowitz, A. Chernulich, M. Sharifova, JP Rabanal)
(2022) On the empirical relevance of correlated equilibrium, Journal of Economic Theory, (with Dan Friedman, Jean Paul Rabanal, and Shuchen Zhao)
(2022) Efficiency of dynamic portfolio choices: An experiment, Review of Financial Studies, (with Jacopo Magnani, Jean Paul Rabanal and Yabin Wang)
(2022) Market Experiments with Multiple Assets: A Survey, Handbook of Experimental Finance, (with John Duffy and Jean Paul Rabanal)
(2021) The Impact of ETFs in Secondary Asset Markets: Experimental Evidence, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, (with John Duffy and Jean Paul Rabanal)
(2020) An endogenous timing game, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (with Youngseok Park, Jean Paul Rabanal and Philip Grossman)
For a complete list of my publications, please see my CV.