Privacy Policy

Cheshmak. (“Cheshmak” “we,” “us,” and “our”), provides this privacy policy because we believe that consumers should have clear and comprehensive ways to understand how information about them is collected and used – both to provide our services and for third party advertising purposes. We’ve tried to write this policy in a way that is easy for consumers to understand at a “high level,” while still providing detail to allow sophisticated users (and privacy advocates) to understand what data models we’re engaged in, and more generally, how interest-based advertising works.

We’ve also provided a section about the choices that you have with respect to “interest based advertising,”, and we encourage you to read that section and exercise your “opt out” rights if you’re inclined to do that. (But because interest based advertising leads to more relevant (and thus, less annoying) advertising, we hope you won’t do that.)

Introduction and Background

Cheshmak’s provides SDKs to mobile app developers and data and analytics services to other data partners and advertisers. These mobile SDKs permit app developers to send, manage, optimize and customize push notifications to their users. All of these services (further described in this privacy policy) are referred to collectively as our “Services ,” and all of these developers, partners and advertisers are referred to collectively as our “Clients .”

This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy ”) explains how we may collect, use, store, and disclose information about the end users (“End Users ”) of third-party mobile applications that use our Services. We separately describe how we collect, use and share that website information (“Cheshmak Website Information ”) in Section 4, below.

We encourage consumers to learn about how information (including information we collect) can be used to market to them, and how to exercise their choices to permit or, if they prefer, to limit such marketing. We describe some ways consumers can exercise that choice or opt out of marketing in Section 6, below, titled Consumer Control & Opt Out Options .

1. Our SDKs: Information We Collect and Services We Provide

We refer to the information we collect from our SDKs as the ‘SDK Information .” The SDK Information includes (or may include) the following:

Information Collected About End Users by Our Mobile SDKs

  • When permitted by the operating system, Cheshmak may check to see if the device has specific applications installed, based on a limited list, for purposes that include attribution, relevancy of ads, and relevancy of notifications related to those applications.

  • Purchases made within an app.

  • Information about End User’s transactions and interactions with apps

  • Mobile advertising identifiers, such as iOS IDFAs and Android Advertising IDs (“Mobile IDs”). These Mobile IDs may be associated with other Information, including with Data Segments.

  • Precise Location information, generally an End User’s lat/long data (i.e., GPS-level data) or WiFi information, which we may associate with Mobile IDs, and which may be collected whether or not an app is in use.

  • Email address, which we may (in our discretion) hash or otherwise deidentify.

  • IP address as well as system configuration information

  • Information associated with or related to devices, such as device type (e.g., mobile, tablet); type and version of operating system (e.g., Android, iOS); network provider; mobile browser (e.g. Safari, Chrome, etc.); language setting; time zone; and network status type (such as WiFi).

As noted above, we refer to all of the above collectively as the “SDK Information .”

2. How We Use the SDK Information

We use the SDK Information to provide a variety of Services to our Clients. This includes:

  • To Provide Our App Services. We use the SDK Information to offer and support app features provided through the SDKs, including those related to push notifications. This includes, for instance, providing customer, technical and operational support for these features, detecting and protecting against errors, fraud, or other criminal activity; resolving disputes and enforcing our EULA and other rights we may have. It also includes analyzing, customizing, and improving the features we offer Clients.

  • To provide information and analytics to our Clients about the use of these app features provided through the SDKs, or to help app developers erators create or enhance user profiles.

  • To create inferences about End Users categorized into “Data Segments” or to help Clients do so. For instance, if SDK Information indicates that a particular device is frequently seen at restaurants, we might categorize a user for targeting of local restaurant offers. Or, if a user is frequently seen at sports stadiums, we might categorize the user as a “Sports Fan.”

  • To develop and use “predictive models” – data models that try to predict End Users’ potential future behavior and interests on a per-device basis or across devices

  • To analyze ad performance, for instance, by attributing End Users’ app installations, web visits, or store visits to ad campaigns.

  • Sometimes, the SDK Information may be used (by us or ad and data platforms we work with) to resolve identities across multiple devices, such as to match IP addresses or hashed emails to link an End User across (for instance) browsers, mobile devices, tablets, set top boxes, or other devices.

  • Sometimes the SDK Information may be combined (by us or ad and data platforms we work with), to perform any of the above functions, or other advertising, marketing or analytics services. Or, we may aggregate and create data “models” to do this – creating algorithms in order to predict certain trends and things that different End Users might have in common, for instance.

  • We may provide End Users’ email addresses (which we generally “hash” or render non-human readable) to online data platforms that “match” this information to online cookies or Mobile IDs in their system, and tie the information (or associated IDs) to further interest-based or demographic data about End Users. This may be done, for instance, to target advertising or provide analytics to brands and other companies.

We, or ad and data platforms we work with, may deploy online cookies to track to associate users (and these cookies) with Mobile IDs. We or they may do this to resolve user identifies across platforms, and to better or more accurately target relevant ads to users (such as to a brand’s customers). You can learn more about cookies and similar technologies, such as web beacons and SDKs, in the Section titled “Cookies and SDKs .” We may also “append” or combine certain SDK Information (such as hashed email addresses) to other information provided by third party data providers, to learn more about End Users or to provide advertising and analytics services.

3. How and Why We Share the SDK Information.

To Provide Services to Apps Using the SDKs

  • We share the SDK Information with service providers, contractors and other companies to fulfill your orders, operate our business, communicate with you and make available our Services and this Website. These service providers may help us perform any of the activities set forth in Section 2. For instance, we may share certain of the information we collect or receive with companies that help us with billing and payment, marketing, advertising and email marketing,

  • data enhancement (e.g., to provide more relevant offers), website hosting, technology and customer support, web and marketing analytics, anti-fraud or security operations, and other operational, marketing or business support.

  • We likewise may share the SDK Information or Data Segments we create with app developers (for instance, related to push notifications they send) for their advertising, analytics, or other purposes.

To Provide Services to Marketers, Advertisers and Platforms They Work With

We also share SDK Information to provide or help us to provide advertising and marketing services as we have described in Section 3, including as follows:

  • With advertisers and their marketing providers, so they may provide targeted content and advertising to you on mobile applications with other third parties that target advertising. For those familiar with the online ad ecosystem, these may include demand-side and supply-side advertising platforms, data management platforms, advertising agency trading desks, proximity solution providers, and other advertising technology providers, so they may provide targeted content and advertising to End Users and others on third-party, mobile applications, and other advertising mediums (email, direct mail, display media), and so that they may measure the effectiveness of this marketing.

  • Similarly, we may work with service providers who, to enhance consumer privacy, use a non-human readable “hashed” version of Information such as an email address when sending advertising offers by email or display advertising (which may be linked to a cookie as described above).

  • Sometimes we provide information (such as IP address, but excluding precise lat/long coordinates) to third party platforms to help advertisers identify common users across different devices or browsers – for instance, to identify a common set of users on both mobile devices and tablets, as well as the web.

The processes we’ve described above often involves cookies or similar technologies, which may be associated with other information about you, e.g., your interests, demographics or transactions. This is known generally as “Interest-Based Advertising.” We encourage users who are interested in controlling or learning about this type of “interest-based advertising” to go to Section 6, titled “Consumer Control & Opt-Out Options , or go to this this page operated by the online ad industry trade association.

We may also share the SDK Information with third parties:

  • If an End User or Client requests or authorizes

  • If the information is provided to: (1) comply in good faith with applicable laws, rules, regulations, governmental and quasi-governmental requests, court orders, or subpoenas; (2) enforce our Terms of Use or other agreements; or (3) protect our rights, property, or safety or the rights, property, or safety of our users or any other person or entity

  • If the disclosure is done as part of, including as part of due diligence for, a purchase, transfer, or sale of services or assets (e.g., in the event that substantially all of our assets are acquired by another party, any information we have may be one of the transferred assets) or in the event of bankruptcy

Even when you no longer access the SDKs, we may continue to use and share your Information as described in this Privacy Policy.

4. How we Use and Share Information Collected on the Cheshmak Website(s)

Website Information We Collect

We collect the following information from visitors to our websites (the “Cheshmak Website Information”, including the website on which this Privacy Policy appears (“Cheshmak Website(s)”):

  • Volunteered: You may share information with us on the Cheshmak Websites when you request information from us, fill out a form on our website, or interact with us in other ways. This information may include personal information, such as your name, email address, and other contact information.

  • Passively Collected (e.g., Cookies and Unique IDs): We use automated mechanisms, such as cookies, and other locally stored objects (such as “IndexedDB)”) that we associate with unique identifiers in order to keep track of visitor interactions with the Cheshmak Websites. (You can learn more about these technologies below in the Section titled “Cookies and SDKs”)). We may use third party-services such as Google Analytics, in which case those third parties gather information such as your IP address, browser type, the webpage from which you came to our website, and the times of your access to the Cheshmak Website. In addition, as you browse our website, advertising cookies may be placed on your computer so that we can understand what you are interested in. Our display advertising partners may then help us retarget ads to you on other sites based on your interactions with the Cheshmak Website. To “opt out” of having your information used to tailor ads to you in this way by third party ad platforms that we may work with or provide data to, please review the Section below titled “Consumer Control and Opt Out Options” to learn how to opt-out of these services and instead receive generic, non-tailored ads.

How We Use the Cheshmak Website Information

In addition to the uses described above, we use the Cheshmak Website Information (alone or in combination) to provide, market, and operate the Cheshmak Websites and Services. Among other things, by collecting the Cheshmak Website Information, we are able to

  • Maintain and offer access to the Cheshmak Websites and Services and optimize how they’re offered to our Clients.

  • Send information about our products and services, including marketing communications.

  • Respond to your questions, concerns, or customer service inquiries.

  • Customize the content and advertising you see on the Cheshmak Websites, across the Internet, and elsewhere.

How We Share the Cheshmak Website Information

We may share the Cheshmak Website Information as follows:

  • As part of a business sale, merger, consolidation, investment, change in control, transfer of substantial assets, reorganization or liquidation, or in connection with steps taken in anticipation of such an event (e.g., due diligence).

  • With our corporate affiliates.

  • With third parties that help us to provide the Cheshmak Websites or Services, such as entities that help us make the Cheshmak Websites or Services available and functional (such as hosting services); entities that help us make available or transmit any information we hold (such as helping us send emails, process payments, and manage customer information); and entities that help us (including our contractors, agents, and affiliates) provide technical, customer, billing, administrative, event planning, marketing or operational services to us or our Clients.

  • When required by law or in response to lawful process, such as a subpoena, or to cooperate in good faith with a request from a government or law enforcement agency or official.

  • If we believe sharing the information may prevent physical, financial or other harm, injury or loss; or we believe is necessary to protect our, or any other person’s or entity’s, interests; or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual unlawful activity.

  • We also may disclose your information under circumstances not mentioned here with your prior consent.

5. Cookies and SDKs

  • Cookies.
    Cookies are small data files containing a string of characters, such as an anonymous unique browser identifier. Cookies are stored on your computer or other device and act as unique tags that identify your device or browser. Our servers may send your device a cookie when you visit the Cheshmak Websites, and our Clients and Partners may do likewise on our Websites, our Clients’ websites, and elsewhere.

  • Mobile Device Identifiers and SDKs.
    We may use or work with partners who use mobile SDKs (including our own SDKs, which are described in more detail in this Policy) to collect information, such as mobile identifiers (e.g., IDFAs and Android Advertising IDs), and information related to how mobile devices and their users interact with our Services and those using our Services. The SDK is computer code that app developers can include in their apps to enable ads to be shown, data to be collected, and related services to be implemented. We may use this technology, for instance, to analyze or measure certain advertising through mobile applications and browsers based on information associated with your mobile device. If you would like to opt-out from having ads tailored to you in this way on your mobile device, please follow the instructions in the below Section titled “Consumer Control and Opt-Out Options .”

As described in Section 4 our Clients or Partners may use the above technologies (sometimes, in combination with each other or other data such as IP addresses or hashed or de-identified data files) to coordinate identifiers across platforms, browsers or devices, to more efficiently analyze or target advertising.

6. Consumer Control & Opt-Out Options.

In most cases, consumers have control over whether or not they would like to receive relevant advertisements and marketing email from our Clients.

  • Opting Out of Cheshmak Push Notifications

You may in most cases opt out of receiving push notifications by going to your device “Settings” and clicking on “Notifications,” and then changing those settings for some or all of the apps on your device. (Different device configurations, or updates to devices, may affect or change how these settings work.)

Your choice to opt out of “Notifications” from the Cheshmak platform will not affect ads placed by any other organization.

  • Opting Out of Online Interest-Based Advertising

You can opt out of many of the platforms and service providers that facilitate online interest-based advertising by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance’s consumer education and opt-out page, at This type of opt out is cookie based, which means that if you replace or upgrade your browser, or delete your cookies, you will need to opt out again. Opting out in this way will not prevent you from receiving ads – it will just make the ads you see less customized to you.

  • Opting Out of “Cross-App” Advertising on Mobile Devices

You can opt out of having your mobile advertising identifiers used for certain types of interest-based (also called “cross-app”) mobile behavioral advertising, by accessing the “settings” on your Apple or Android mobile device, as follows:

  • Apple Devices: If you have an Apple device, you can opt out of most app-based tracking for interest-based advertising by setting Limit Ad Tracking to ‘ON.’ You can do this by clicking on Settings -> Privacy -> Advertising and toggling Limit Ad Tracking to ‘ON.’

  • Android Devices: If you have an Android device, you can opt out of most app-based tracking for interest-based advertising by opening the Google Settings app on your device, selecting Ads, and then selecting the option to opt-out of interest-based ads.

Please note that these platforms control how these settings work, so the above may change. Likewise, if your device uses other platforms not described above, you should check the settings for those devices.

  • Additional Choices

Advertisers may also provide ways for you to opt out from or limit their collection of information from and about you. Please refer to the privacy policies for retailers and applications to learn more about their privacy practices.

You may opt not to receive promotional emails from us by contacting us as indicated below or by following the “unsubscribe” instructions in any promotional email you receive from us. Please note, however, that we may still send you non-promotional emails about your relationship with us.

7. Data Access and Retention

Generally speaking, we retain the SDK Information for as long as necessary to achieve our objectives as detailed in this Privacy Policy, and to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.

8. Data Security

We have administrative, technical, and physical safeguards in place in our physical facilities and in our computer systems, databases, and communications networks that are designed to protect information contained within our systems from loss, misuse, or alteration. No method of electronic transmission or storage is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee absolute security of your Personal Information and Non-Personal Information.

9. Third Party Apps

We are not responsible for the privacy practices or disclosures of applications that use our Services. Likewise, when you access the Cheshmak Website, you may be directed to other websites that are also beyond our control. We encourage you to read the applicable privacy policies and terms and conditions of such third parties, and the industry tools that we have referenced in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy, however, only applies to the Cheshmak Site and the Services.

10. Contacting Us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

11. Changes to This Privacy Policy

If we make material changes to our privacy policy that may impact you, we will prominently post notice of the change on our website for a period of at least 30 days prior to the change becoming effective. We recommend that you check the Privacy Policy frequently so that you are informed of any changes.

سياست‌هاي حريم شخصي

حريم شخصي شما براي ما بسيار ارزشمند است و براي روشن شدن اين حريم خصوصي بين ما و کاربران توافق نامه زير تنظيم شده است. در اين توافق نامه شرايط استفاده از برنامه ، حريم شخصي، اطلاعاتي که از طريق برنامه از شما گردآوري ميشود، نحوه ذخيره و استفاده آنها را توضيح خواهيم داد.

جمع آوري و استفاده از اطلاعات

هدف ما از جمع آوري اطلاعات ارائه خدمات بهتر به تمام کاربران است. طبق اين داده ها امکان تطبيق شخص کاربر و داده بدون درخواست کاربر و ارائه اطلاعات بيشتر، وجود ندارد. و در حقيقت اين دسته از اطلاعات ارتباطي با اطلاعات شخصي و فردي شما ندارد.

از طريق برنامه اين اطلاعات از سوي کاربران به سمت سرورهاي داده و آمارگيري فرستاده مي‌شوند: شماره اندرويد، موقعيت مکاني، مدل، برند، نسخه اندرويد، اطلاعات وابسته به برنامه و ارتقاء برنامه و اطلاعات مربوط به رويدادهاي دستگاه همچون کرش يا از کار افتادن برنامه و مشکلات پيش آمده در استفاده از اپليکيشن و صفحات مشاهده شده و مدت زمان سپري شده در برنامه و ساير پارامترهاي مورد استفاده در برنامه.

ما ممکن است از شرکت هاي تحليل اطلاعات و واسط تبليغاتي براي تحليل استفاده از سرويس هاي برنامه، کمک بگيريم.

امنيت اطلاعات شما براي ما مهم مي باشد. اطلاعاتي که از شما جمع آوري مي شود، اين اطلاعات ممکن است به صورت غير مستقيم براي داده هاي عظيم استفاده شود. مثلا کاربراني که از برند خاصي از موبايل استفاده کرده اند. در مثالي ديگر؛ اگر شما صفحه خاصي از برنامه را مشاهده کرده ايد. به تعداد افرادي که اين صفحه را مشاهده کرده اند اضافه شده و اين عدد ممکن است براي تحليل توسط شرکت ديگري مورد استفاده قرار گيرد.

حقوق مالکيت

تمامي متون، تصاوير و آثار ديگر در محتواي برنامه، به جز مطالب منتشر شده و ارائه شده توسط کاربران - مگر اينکه غير آن نشان داده شده باشد - داراي حقوق محفوظ بوده و بدون رضايت حق استفاده از آن‌ها را ندارد.

از آنجا که مالکيت معنوي غالب آثار موجود در برنامه ها در اختيار اشخاص حقيقي و حقوقي است و ما با کسب اجازه از صاحبان آثار يا ناشران مربوطه ، از آنها استفاده نموده ايم، لذا کاربران توجه داشته باشند که استفاده غير مجاز از برنامه ها، نه تنها نافي حقوق ما به لحاظ شرعي و قانوني است، بلکه حق الناس و حقوق فردي اشخاص نيز بر عهده شخص خاطي خواهد بود.

شرايط تغييرات

متن اين توافق نامه ممکن است در آينده تغيير کند. صاحب برنامه حق تغيير اين شرايط را در هر زمان و بدون دادن دلايل براي خود محفوظ مي داند. ما موظف به اطلاع رساني براي کاربران در اين باره نيستيم و اين بر عهده کاربر مي‌باشد که اين شرايط را بازخواني کند. لطفا جهت آگاهي از تغيير و تحول آن، هرازگاه اين سند را مطالعه نماييد. هر گونه تغيير، بدان معني تلقي مي‌شود که کاربر موافق با تغييرات بوده و آن‌ها را براي ادامه استفاده از برنامه مي‌پذيرد و درغير اين صورت مي تواند با حدف برنامه از وسيله خود به آن پايان دهد.