Discover the Magic: Weekly Line-up at Old Castello Jumeirah

Nestled in the heart of luxury and history, Old Castello Jumeirah stands as a beacon of elegance and sophistication. This iconic venue, steeped in tradition, invites patrons to immerse themselves in a weekly lineup of events that promises to captivate the senses and create unforgettable memories.

Monday Jazz Nights: Kickstart your week with the soulful tunes of Monday Jazz Nights at Old Castello Jumeirah. The enchanting melodies and rhythmic beats create the perfect ambiance for a laid-back evening. As you savor delectable cuisine and exquisite drinks, let the music transport you to a world of timeless elegance.

Midweek Culinary Delights: Indulge your palate with the Midweek Culinary Delights at Old Castello Jumeirah. Every Wednesday, our renowned chefs curate a special menu featuring culinary masterpieces that showcase the finest ingredients. From exotic flavors to gastronomic wonders, this midweek feast is a celebration of culinary excellence.

Thursday Night Unplugged: Ease into the weekend with the soothing melodies of Thursday Night Unplugged. Experience the raw, acoustic talent of local and international artists as they take the stage at Old Castello Jumeirah. The intimate setting and acoustic vibes create an atmosphere that is both relaxing and invigorating, making it the ideal way to unwind.

Friday Night Extravaganza: As the weekend unfolds, Old Castello Jumeirah transforms into a hub of excitement with the Friday Night Extravaganza. Live bands, energetic performances, and a vibrant atmosphere set the stage for a night of celebration. Whether you're dancing the night away or enjoying a leisurely dinner, this extravaganza is a feast for the senses.

Saturday Cultural Soiree: Immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of Saturday Cultural Soiree. Old Castello Jumeirah embraces diversity by featuring themed cultural nights that showcase music, dance, and culinary traditions from around the world. This weekly event is a celebration of global unity and the beauty of different cultures coming together.

Conclusion: Old Castello Jumeirah's weekly lineup promises an enchanting journey through the realms of music, culinary arts, and cultural diversity. Whether you're seeking a serene start to the week or an energetic weekend celebration, this iconic venue invites you to experience the magic of each carefully curated event. Join us at Old Castello and let the enchantment unfold week after week.