Maybe you get your team together for only 30 minutes right before the Sunday morning service. Perhaps you have 3 hours on a weeknight and another hour on Sunday morning. Something in between? Whatever your situation, there are some simple changes you can make that will bring dramatic gains to the efficiency and effectiveness of your available preparation time. The results will surprise you.

One of the main problems I observe as bands prepare music for a service is that each of these five terms is not well understood by the band members. Often the MD has only hazy definitions too! Certainly the distinction between these, and the correct time and place for each is poorly communicated by the leader.

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As a result, preparation time is often a messy, hodgepodge of setting up, jamming, practicing, sound checking and rehearsing. Frequently, I see teams trying to do two or more simultaneously! Predictably, each is done poorly and inefficiently. Huge chunks of our precious preparation time slip through the cracks as a result.

In the jazz world, jamming has a more specific definition. But for our purposes, jamming is musical fooling around. Playing your instrument as you feel and just for the fun of it on your own or with others. Jamming is a great thing to do. Important in the development of every instrumentalists. But, unfortunately, there is no time to spare for jamming during our preparation. Make another time to jam but, please, not now.

Most churches have the luxury of the same team members week after week. Others have rotating musicians or will occasionally have a new member on the team. When this happens, the first step is to set the gain for everyone who was not on the team the previous week.

You should also develop the habit of checking gain on every channel at the beginning of every rehearsal, even if they were on the team last week. There is always a good chance that guitar amp or keyboard settings are not in the same place they were last week.

If you do not have the technology that allows band members to adjust their own monitors, you will need a pair of headphones on hand. Before taking orders from each band member on what they want, have the band play through an entire song.

While they are playing, put on the headphones and listen to each monitor mix, making adjustments to give them a nice, even mix. Of course, if it is a vocal monitor, have the vocals a bit louder than the instruments and vice versa.

Not sure how to listen to monitor mixes in the headphones? Look for a PFL, AFL or Solo button next to your Aux or Bus send master volume knob/fader. When engaged, you will be hearing the monitor mix instead of the main mix in your headphones.

So, you achieved a great mix - awesome! You can just set it and leave it, right? Wrong. Every song should have a different sound. One song may have a prominent electric guitar while the next may have a prominent keyboard part instead.

Energy comes from the drums and bass guitar. Start by bringing up the kick drum and bass guitar. Then, bring up the snare until you feel its punch. You also want plenty of the toms (especially the floor tom). Finally, use the overhead microphones to complete the sound scape with high frequencies.

I have a problem with the sound tech/producer mentality. Few churches have a professional producer on the board. As a keyboard player, I'm mixing myself, using the volume knob to bring in and fade the strings/pads, playing when necessary, not playing when I decide to bow out. There's nothing worse than a sound man who thinks he's a producer deciding when I should/should not be in the mix. Last week I was playing and the leader actually stopped and said, "why can't I hear the piano?" The sound man sheepishly admitted that he was emphasizing the acoustic guitar on this song and muted my keys. His decision. Not mine, or the leader's. Now granted, the worship leader is my husband and one might wonder if I'm not like Linda McCartney, and just on the team because he loves me, not because I really have anything to add to the group (which, in Linda's case, is up for debate) but I've been told that's not true. ? I've functioned well for the past 30 years with a really good sound check, and then just leave the keyboard player alone and she'll take the lead when necessary, and add the frosting when necessary. As for the guitars...isn't that what volume pedals are for? (It's an honest question...) Thanks for your insight! I appreciate every article you send.

Hey Angie - thanks for the comment. I used to be a control freak when it comes to running sound. I had a sound tech, but he pretty much couldn't make a change unless I asked him to. Then, I figured out that I could do my job better as a worship leader if I let my sound tech take ownership of his job. Truth be told, micromanaging never helps anyone. People need the freedom to use their gift in the way they see fit.

In a nutshell, as a worship leader, I find it much better to let the sound tech be the sound tech while giving them little bits of guidance as needed. Keep in mind, I personally train sound techs when they join the team, so my vision for how the sound should be has been thoroughly communicated to them.

Kade, thank you so much for listing out the approach you take to build a solid main mix. I surely will be mimicking this approach. Quite honestly, as a sound tech/leader, I should be listening to each song several times so I can better understand how to mix the song. I'm really glad you mentioned this. It hurt so good to hear! I'm learning lots.

While I am solely a volunteer servant in this field, no formal educational background to back my opinion here.

However, I've always been a sound guy that loves music.

I began learning the A/V trade about a year ago so I'm very green. My feeling are as such: we are not separate, meaning the band and the tech team are ONE in the SAME. Only separation is expertise (maybe, some are very versatile) so we should approach sound check as such. Both sides working together to worship God and give him glory. Practice is practice and sound check is sound check. We tend to get in God's way when we allow these types of things Fester.


Thank you. I feel privileged honored that you took a second to at the least acknowledge my input and appreciated it. I can't express to you enough how instrumental your content has allowed me to grow rapidly in this field. I read and watch every lesson you share. Some times multiple times. Our chairman of A/V at my church has done this for many years and he tells me regularly how I've far exceeded his expectations for the time I've been involved. So much so that in many areas, he's quick to ask me what we should do or how some things work. I give my ministry all I have because I deeply understand just how important our roles are as well as fully knowing how serious what we're doing is. If we as the worship team are not expressing that our efforts are because of what's been done for us as Christians through Calvary and knowing our service is simply a vessel for God to work in others then it's nothing more than live band karaoke and will be interpreted as such. How can we lead worship if first and foremost we're not worshipping ourselves.

My greatest drawback with our work is that we just don't set aside enough time as a team to work through problems with intent on understanding every aspect and perspective from each element. Meaning we run through the songs (usually 3-4 songs) within an hour or so, which that would be sufficient if every member was regular and very proficient with how everything works.

Much of the time is spent on the individual needs (in ears or stage mix) to satisfy the singers or musicians. I feel like our part is equally important to a successful service. We need time to focus on each element to get the right balance ( which I think would improve their experience also) with assurance that they realize we need practice and experience from a live real time session without having to work on what they need with minimal time to dial in things. If it were up to me, I'd suggest running through the service for their practice and fine tuning to satisfy their needs, then a second run through for us to tighten up the mix and generate an environment where teamwork is the foundation and confidence ensues among us as we grow together in Christ for Christ. With this heart and mentality within a worship team, there's only one result in the end, God's holy Spirit moves freely and abundant and changes lives. I know this is long, I'm sorry. But I couldn't resist letting you know my heart and expressing my gratitude to you because your teaching is the reason I have been able to grow within a short time frame and very little actual time behind the board practice.

Thank you sir,

Your service has been fruitful and multiplying God's blessings to many more than you'll ever know.

Today, I'm writing to the musicians. One way to take control over your music is by maximizing your sound check. I've outlined how you can maximize this process so your monitor mixes are tighter, your house mixes are tighter, and your confidence is higher.

The sound check process is the one of the important parts of your stage work. The purpose of the sound check is ensuring the right sounds get to the sound booth, to the monitors, and to the house speakers.

The first step of the sound check is called a line check. During this process, the sound tech verifies that all of the equipment on the stage is sending a signal to the mixer. They will verify each instrument/vocal one at a time. This process requires all members on the stage to be quiet when it's not your turn.

The second step is setting your volume. Technically speaking, the sound tech sets what is called the gain structure of each instrument/voice. The sound tech can do this either one by one or while your band is playing. I've used both methods depending on the situation (usually constrained by time) and the setup. Therefore, ask your sound tech which method he wants you to use. Once this process is complete, they will have a rough volume setting for you but it's not totally indicative of the final mix so don't think too much as to how it sounds in the house mix. 152ee80cbc

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