Development Team
PhD. Civil/Coastal Engineering
Research fellow @ National University of Singapore
Founder of OlaFlow CFD. Developer of olaFlow and former developer of IHFoam and olaFoam.
During his PhD at IH Cantabria he developed the numerical model ihFoam and released it as open source software, along with several tutorials.
He also prepared a complete training course to learn how to use IHFoam, and has taught it over 6 times worldwide (Madrid, London, Chennai...)
PhD thesis: Application of computational fluid dynamics to wave action on structures
Follow this link for a selection of publications.
Special Thanks
Special Thanks
Recognition and credit for help, bug fixes and further development is to be acknowledged in this section.
Special thanks go to:
- Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, University of Cantabria and IH Cantabria for making possible the development of IHFoam during my PhD Thesis.
- The members of the CFD-Online community.