The word electric is derived from the Greek word for amber, elektron. It is only in modern times that practical use has been made of electricity, but some electrical phenomena have been known since antiquity. Certain philosophers of ancient Greece found that by rubbing amber with a piece of cloth, they could enable the amber to pick up light objects, such as feathers. In the 17th century, students of natural science began to discover that other natural phenomena were related to the effect of friction on amber.

With the popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) on the rise, we're committed to providing you with extensive information on the benefits and potential savings of driving electric. Here you can find answers to your questions about EVs, along with information about our special rates and state incentives.

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All-electric vehicles, also called battery electric vehicles, have a battery that is charged by plugging the vehicle in to charging equipment. These vehicles always operate in all-electric mode and have typical driving ranges from 150 to 400 miles.

HEVs are powered by an internal combustion engine and one or more electric motors that uses energy stored in a battery. The vehicle is fueled with gasoline to operate the internal combustion engine, and the battery is charged through regenerative braking, not by plugging in.

The U.S. Department of Energy funded 16 electric vehicle projects in 24 states and the District of Columbia to help communities prepare for electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. Learn more about conducting EV readiness planning.

More consumers are choosing electric vehicles as new, competitively priced models with longer ranges hit the market and more public charging stations are rapidly becoming available. Learn more about vehicle and charging options for consumers.

An electric field (sometimes E-field[1]) is the physical field that surrounds electrically charged particles. Charged particles exert attractive forces on each other when their charges are opposite, and repulsion forces on each other when their charges are the same. Because these forces are exerted mutually, 2 charges must be present for the forces to take place. The electric field of a single charge (or group of charges) describes their capacity to exert such forces on another charged object. These forces are described by Coulomb's Law, which says that the greater the magnitude of the charges, the greater the force, and the greater the distance between them, the weaker the force. Thus, we may informally say that the greater the charge of an object, the stronger its electric field. Similarly, the electric field is stronger nearer charged objects and weaker further away. Electric fields originate from electric charges and time-varying electric currents. Electric fields and magnetic fields are both manifestations of the electromagnetic field, one of the four fundamental forces of nature.

Electric fields are important in many areas of physics, and are exploited in electrical technology. In atomic physics and chemistry, for instance, the interaction in the electric field between the atomic nucleus and electrons is the force that holds these particles together in atoms. Similarly, the interaction in the electric field between atoms is the force responsible for chemical bonding that result in molecules.

The electric field is defined as a vector field that associates to each point in space the electrostatic (Coulomb) force per unit of charge exerted on an infinitesimal positive test charge at rest at that point.[2][3][4] The derived SI unit for the electric field is the volt per meter (V/m), which is equal to the newton per coulomb (N/C).[5]

Electric fields are caused by electric charges, described by Gauss's law,[11] and time varying magnetic fields, described by Faraday's law of induction.[12] Together, these laws are enough to define the behavior of the electric field. However, since the magnetic field is described as a function of electric field, the equations of both fields are coupled and together form Maxwell's equations that describe both fields as a function of charges and currents.

This is the electric field at point x 0 {\displaystyle \mathbf {x} _{0}} due to the point charge q 1 {\displaystyle q_{1}} ; it is a vector-valued function equal to the Coulomb force per unit charge that a positive point charge would experience at the position x 0 {\displaystyle \mathbf {x} _{0}} .Since this formula gives the electric field magnitude and direction at any point x 0 {\displaystyle \mathbf {x} _{0}} in space (except at the location of the charge itself, x 1 {\displaystyle \mathbf {x} _{1}} , where it becomes infinite) it defines a vector field.From the above formula it can be seen that the electric field due to a point charge is everywhere directed away from the charge if it is positive, and toward the charge if it is negative, and its magnitude decreases with the inverse square of the distance from the charge.

Electrostatic fields are electric fields that do not change with time. Such fields are present when systems of charged matter are stationary, or when electric currents are unchanging. In that case, Coulomb's law fully describes the field.[17]

As E and B fields are coupled, it would be misleading to split this expression into "electric" and "magnetic" contributions. In particular, an electrostatic field in any given frame of reference in general transforms into a field with a magnetic component in a relatively moving frame. Accordingly, decomposing the electromagnetic field into an electric and magnetic component is frame-specific, and similarly for the associated energy.

For the motion of a charged particle, considering for example the case of a moving particle with the above described electric field coming to an abrupt stop, the electric fields at points far from it do not immediately revert to that classically given for a stationary charge. On stopping, the field around the stationary points begin to revert to the expected state and this effect propagates outwards at the speed of light while the electric field lines far away from this will continue to point radially towards an assumed moving charge. This virtual particle will never be outside the range of propagation of the disturbance in electromagnetic field, since charged particles are restricted to have speeds slower than that of light, which makes it impossible to construct a Gaussian surface in this region that violates Gauss' law. Another technical difficulty that supports this is that charged particles travelling faster than or equal to speed of light no longer have a unique retarded time. Since electric field lines are continuous, an electromagnetic pulse of radiation is generated that connects at the boundary of this disturbance travelling outwards at the speed of light.[27] In general, any accelerating point charge radiates electromagnetic waves however, non-radiating acceleration is possible in a systems of charges.

Since the physical interpretation of this indicates that the electric field at a point is governed by the particle's state at a point of time in the future, it is considered as an unphysical solution and hence neglected. However, there have been theories exploring the advanced time solutions of Maxwell's equations, such as Feynman Wheeler absorber theory.

Electric field infinitely close to a conducting surface in electrostatic equilibrium having charge density  {\displaystyle \sigma } at that point is   0 x ^ {\textstyle {\frac {\sigma }{\epsilon _{0}}}{\hat {x}}} since charges are only formed on the surface and the surface at the infinitesimal scale resembles an infinite 2D plane. In the absence of external fields, spherical conductors exhibit a uniform charge distribution on the surface and hence have the same electric field as that of uniform spherical surface distribution.

The Urban Electric Mobility Toolkit serves as a one-stop resource to help urban communities scope, plan, and identify ways to fund electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, supporting diverse forms of electric mobility including travel by personal vehicle, transit, micromobility (e.g., electric bicycles and scooters), and ride-sharing services.

Urban communities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), transportation providers, businesses, and property owners and developers can use the toolkit to identify key partners for an electric charging project, take advantage of relevant planning tools, and identify available funding or financing to help make that project a reality. This toolkit is intended for a variety of urban stakeholders, including States, local communities, transportation providers, nonprofits, businesses, and individuals.

Electric Mobility Basics provides a brief overview of types of EVs, the three charging levels for EVs (which correlate to charging speed capacity), and an overview of electric micromobility and electric transit.

Benefits and Implementation Challenges of Urban Mobility Electrification introduces the benefits to communities and individuals associated with electric mobility and charging infrastructure, as well as some of the challenges and evolving strategies to be able to realize those benefits.

Partnership Opportunities discusses key partners and stakeholders for electric mobility infrastructure projects, including regional and local coalitions, planning and transit agencies, utilities, and site hosts.

Electric Mobility Infrastructure Planning for Urban Areas summarizes the different scales of electric mobility infrastructure planning and project delivery, provides a walk-through of the key technical considerations in planning a new installation, including for transit and micromobility, and discusses methods to support an equitable planning process.

Electric Mobility Infrastructure Funding and Financing for Urban Areas provides information on Federal funding programs and other funding-related resources that may reduce the financial burden of implementing electric mobility infrastructure. At the end of this section, the Urban Electric Mobility Infrastructure Funding Table provides a comprehensive list of Federal funding programs applicable to different types of urban electric mobility charging projects. 2351a5e196

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