Premier League Change Makers

Enrichment Category: FUTURE

Link Subject: #WeWill Leadership, PSHE

Suitable for: KS3 and KS4 suitable for girls only

Run by:  Miss Scott in partnership with Derby County Community Trust 


What is this enrichment about? 

Welcome to the Premier League Change Makers Programme Enrichment Club, where passion meets purpose and football serves as a catalyst for positive change. This innovative club offers students a unique opportunity to dive into the world of sports leadership, community activism, and social impact. As members of this dynamic programme, students can expect hands-on experiences such as organizing community events, working on social initiatives, and engaging in leadership training sessions led by industry professionals. Through the power of football, this club empowers students to become change agents in their communities, fostering teamwork, resilience, and a sense of social responsibility. Get ready to kick off a transformative journey where sportsmanship meets social change, and where every goal scored on the field resonates with a greater purpose off the pitch. Join us in the Premier League Change Makers Programme and be a part of a team that is shaping futures, one kick at a time.

How will this enrich my learning? 

Participating in the Premier League Change Makers Programme Enrichment Club will enrich your learning in a multitude of ways, offering a blend of practical skills, personal growth, and social impact. Here's how your involvement in the programme can enhance your educational experience:

1. **Leadership Skills**: Engaging in leadership training sessions and hands-on community initiatives will cultivate your leadership abilities, preparing you for future roles in management, teamwork, and decision-making.

2. **Community Engagement**: Organizing and participating in community events will enhance your understanding of community needs, social issues, and the importance of active citizenship, fostering empathy and social awareness.

3. **Teamwork and Collaboration**: Working with diverse team members towards shared goals in the programme will strengthen your teamwork and collaboration skills, essential for success in academic, professional, and personal settings.

4. **Problem-Solving Abilities**: Addressing challenges and implementing solutions in social initiatives will sharpen your problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and creativity, valuable attributes in any career path.

5. **Personal Development**: The programme will promote personal growth, resilience, and a sense of social responsibility, instilling values of teamwork, inclusivity, and positive impact that can guide your personal and professional development.

What will I develop as a result of this enrichment? 

1. **Leadership Skills**: Develops leadership abilities for roles in sports management, event coordination, and team coaching.

2. **Community Engagement**: Deepens understanding of social issues, beneficial for careers in social work, community outreach, and non-profit organizations.

3. **Teamwork and Collaboration**: Strengthens teamwork skills essential for project management, event planning, and team leadership roles.

4. **Problem-Solving**: Enhances critical thinking for strategic planning, decision-making positions, and consultancy roles.

5. **Networking Opportunities**: Provides valuable industry connections for potential career paths in sports marketing, community development, and social impact organizations.

6. **Social Responsibility**: Cultivates a sense of social responsibility applicable to roles in corporate social responsibility, sustainability management, and social entrepreneurship.