Matilda - The Crew

Enrichment Category: Creativity

Link Subject: Art and Design, Design and Technology 

Suitable for: Anyone interested in the creative process behind staging a piece of musical theatre. Those wanting o be involved in a whole school production but not on stage. Anyone with artistic flair and creativity on a large scale. 

Run by: Mrs Spalding ; Mrs Jackson ; Mr Underhill 

Need to know:  Public performances on 4th 5th 6th of February, Keep your eyes on parent pay to book your tickets 

What is this enrichment about? 

This enrichment club for the drama production of Matilda the musical provides a unique and hands-on opportunity for students to unleash their creativity and artistic talents. Members of the club engage in building and creating the captivating set that brings the world of Matilda to life on stage. From constructing the actual set, participants delve into the exciting realm of set design under the guidance of experienced staff team. This club not only hones students' artistic skills but also fosters teamwork, and problem-solving. Through this enriching experience, club members gain valuable insights into the behind-the-scenes magic of theatre production and contribute to the overall success of the show through their innovative and visually striking set designs.

How will this enrich my learning? 

Participating in the set building enrichment club for a drama production of Matilda the musical can enrich your learning in several ways:

What will I develop as a result of this enrichment? 

Participating in the set design enrichment club for a drama production of Matilda the musical can help you develop valuable skills and qualities that will benefit you in various aspects of your life in the future:

- Creativity: Nurturing your creativity through set design can enhance your problem-solving abilities, innovation, and thinking outside the box in career paths that require creative solutions.

- Attention to Detail: Developing a keen eye for detail in set design can translate into meticulousness in tasks, projects, and professions that demand precision and accuracy.

- Collaboration: Working collaboratively with a team on set design projects fosters interpersonal skills, teamwork, communication, and the ability to work effectively with diverse groups of people in any work setting.

- Project Management: Managing set design projects involves planning, organizing resources, meeting deadlines, and overseeing tasks, which can develop your project management skills applicable in various fields.

- Technical Skills: Learning about the technical aspects of set design, such as materials, construction techniques, and stage logistics, can equip you with practical skills useful in careers related to design, construction, or the arts.

- Appreciation for the Arts: Engaging in set design can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the arts, theatre, and creative expression, enriching your cultural understanding and broadening your perspectives in life.