Jewellery Making

Enrichment Category: Creativity

Link Subject: Design and Technology

Suitable for: KS3 and KS4

Run by: Miss Marks 

Need to know:  ** Please note to reduce costs we will purchase resources in bulk, however there will be a small nominal cost payable by Parent Pay for this club, once you have a confirmed place.**

What is this enrichment about? 

This jewellery making club offers students the opportunity to explore their creativity and develop their artistic skills in the realm of jewellery design and creation. Students get to experiment with various materials such as beads, wire, and charms to craft their unique pieces of jewellery. Through hands-on activities and guided instruction, students learn different techniques like bead weaving, wire wrapping, and metal stamping. This club not only provides a fun and engaging outlet for self-expression but also fosters teamwork, patience, and attention to detail as students work on perfecting their craftsmanship. Joining the jewelry making enrichment club can be a rewarding experience for students looking to unleash their artistic flair and create beautiful accessories to cherish or share with others. 

How will this enrich my learning? 

Jewellery making club can enrich your learning in various ways. It

Additionally, you'll learn valuable techniques and methods specific to jewellery design, such as beadwork, wire wrapping, and metal stamping, which can broaden your skill set and spark an interest in craftsmanship. Moreover, working in a group setting fosters collaboration, communication, and teamwork as you exchange ideas, give and receive feedback, and problem-solve together. 

What will I develop as a result of this enrichment?