Hair & Beauty

Enrichment Category: Creativity

Link Subject: Art, Science

Suitable for: KS3 and KS4

Run by: Miss Harris ; Miss Grimwood 

Need to know:  ** Please note to reduce costs we will purchase some products in bulk, however there will be a small nominal cost payable by Parent Pay for this club, once you have a confirmed place.**

What is this enrichment about? 

At a hair and beauty enrichment club, students can expect to learn various techniques and skills related to hair and beauty such as hairstyling, makeup application, nail care, skincare, and more. They may have the opportunity to participate in hands-on activities, workshops, guest speaker sessions, and even field trips to salons or beauty industry events. Additionally, students can develop their creativity, confidence, and networking skills while exploring potential career paths in the beauty industry. 

How will this enrich my learning? 

A hair and beauty club offers hands-on experience in hairstyling, makeup, and nail care, helping you refine your skills and stay updated on industry trends. It fosters creativity, teamwork, and collaboration through group activities and projects. The club also provides networking opportunities with industry professionals and peers, offering valuable insights into potential career paths in the beauty industry. 

What will I develop as a result of this enrichment? 

Participating in a hair and beauty enrichment club can help you develop a variety of skills and qualities:

Overall, the enrichment club can provide you with practical skills, industry insights, and personal growth opportunities that can benefit you academically and potentially in your future career in the beauty industry.