Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Enrichment Category: FUTURE

Link Subject: PE, #WeWillExplore,

Suitable for:  Suitable for boys and girls in Year 9 for Bronze award and Year 10 for students who have already completed their Bronze DofE.

Run by:  Dr Laing SLaing@oiea.co.uk and Mr Whitfield GWhitfield@oiea.co.uk 

Links: https://www.dofe.org/ 

What is this enrichment about? 

Welcome to the world of adventure, resilience, and personal growth with the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards Club! This exhilarating club invites students to embark on a transformative journey filled with exciting challenges, outdoor expeditions, skill development, and community service projects. As members of this prestigious programme, students can expect to push their limits, discover new passions, and unlock their leadership potential through a series of exhilarating activities such as hiking expeditions, camping under the stars, learning new skills, and giving back to the community through service projects. With a focus on self-discovery, teamwork, and personal development, the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards Club offers a gateway to unforgettable experiences, lasting friendships, and life-changing moments that will shape you into a resilient, confident, and empowered individual ready to conquer any challenge that comes your way. Join us on this thrilling quest for self-improvement, adventure, and unforgettable memories with the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards Club!

How will this enrich my learning? 

Participating in the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards Club will enrich your learning in a multitude of ways, offering a blend of personal development, skill acquisition, resilience-building, and community engagement. Here's how your involvement in the club can enhance your educational experience:

1. **Outdoor Skills Development**: Engaging in hiking expeditions, camping trips, and outdoor challenges will hone your outdoor survival skills, navigation abilities, and wilderness knowledge, expanding your practical skills and resilience.

2. **Personal Growth and Resilience**: Overcoming challenges, pushing boundaries, and persevering through expeditions and tasks will foster resilience, self-confidence, and a growth mindset, empowering you to tackle obstacles and setbacks in various areas of life.

3. **Skill Acquisition**: Completing skill-building activities and learning new disciplines as part of the programme will broaden your skill set, deepen your expertise, and enhance your adaptability and versatility in different situations.

4. **Teamwork and Collaboration**: Working with peers on group projects, community service initiatives, and expeditions will strengthen your teamwork, communication, and leadership skills, essential for success in academic, professional, and personal life.

5. **Community Engagement and Service**: Contributing to community service projects and giving back to society instills values of empathy, social responsibility, and civic engagement, fostering a sense of purpose and connection to the wider community.

6. **Self-Discovery and Goal Setting**: Engaging in the award programme encourages self-reflection, goal setting, and personal growth, helping you identify strengths, areas for improvement, and aspirations for the future, shaping a clearer vision for your personal and professional development.

By immersing yourself in the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards Club, you not only acquire practical skills and resilience but also develop qualities such as teamwork, leadership, community engagement, goal setting, and personal growth that will positively impact your educational journey and equip you with essential life skills for future endeavours.

What will I develop as a result of this enrichment? 

Participating in the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards Club will help you develop a range of skills and qualities that are not only valuable for personal growth but also highly transferable to future career paths, particularly in fields that value resilience, leadership, teamwork, and community engagement. Here's how your involvement in the club can benefit your professional development and link to potential careers:

1. **Resilience and Perseverance**: Overcoming challenges, completing expeditions, and pushing boundaries in the programme build resilience, adaptability, and a strong work ethic—qualities sought after in roles requiring grit and determination, such as emergency services, project management, or entrepreneurial ventures.

2. **Leadership and Teamwork**: Engaging in group projects, expeditions, and community service initiatives hones your leadership, communication, and teamwork skills, essential for roles in team leadership, management, event planning, or collaborative projects in various industries.

3. **Problem-Solving Abilities**: Undertaking outdoor challenges and skill-building tasks enhances your problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and decision-making capabilities, valuable for roles in strategic planning, consulting, or analytical positions.

4. **Community Engagement and Service Orientation**: Contributing to community service projects and giving back instills a sense of social responsibility, empathy, and community engagement, aligning with careers in non-profit organizations, social services, public sector roles, or corporate social responsibility positions.

5. **Goal Setting and Achievement**: Setting and achieving goals within the programme fosters a sense of focus, determination, and accomplishment, attributes that are beneficial for goal-oriented careers such as project management, academic research, or personal development coaching.

6. **Outdoor Skills and Adventure Industry**: Developing outdoor skills, survival knowledge, and an appreciation for nature can lead to careers in outdoor education, adventure tourism, environmental conservation, or roles that involve outdoor leadership, guiding, or expedition planning.