Digital Media Club

Enrichment Category: CREATIVITY

Link Subject: English, Art and Design, ICT

Suitable for: KS3 and KS4 suitable for boys and girls

Run by:  Mr Legge 

What is this enrichment about? 

Step into the dynamic realm of the digital media enrichment club (formerly the school newspaper) at OIEA, where stories come to life, creativity flows, and innovation thrives! Join a team of aspiring journalists, digital storytellers, and multimedia creators on a captivating journey of news reporting, feature writing, and content creation. Explore the art of storytelling through various digital mediums, from articles and interviews to podcasts, videos, and social media campaigns. Dive into the world of editing, layout design, and digital publishing as you collaborate with fellow club members to produce compelling and engaging content that informs, inspires, and entertains. Enter the realm of investigative journalism, event coverage, and creative expression as you harness the power of digital media to inform your school community, amplify voices, and spark dialogue on important issues. Unleash your creativity, amplify your voice, and embark on an exciting voyage of digital storytelling excellence in the digital media enrichment club!

How will this enrich my learning? 

Participating in the digital media enrichment club can enrich your learning by:

- **Communication Skills**: Improving written and verbal communication abilities.

- **Creativity and Innovation**: Fostering imaginative thinking and creative expression.

- **Technology Proficiency**: Enhancing digital literacy and technological skills.

- **Critical Thinking and Research Skills**: Developing analytical thinking and research abilities.

- **Collaboration and Teamwork**: Promoting teamwork, collaboration, and interpersonal skills.

What will I develop as a result of this enrichment? 

Participating in the digital media club can help you develop skills beneficial for future careers:

- **Communication Skills**: Enhancing written and verbal communication crucial for journalism, marketing, public relations, and other communication-related fields.

- **Creativity and Innovation**: Fostering creativity and imaginative thinking valuable in roles such as content creation, design, advertising, and digital marketing.

- **Technology Proficiency**: Improving digital literacy essential for various careers in media, marketing, graphic design, and technology roles.

- **Critical Thinking and Research Skills**: Developing analytical thinking and research abilities important for investigative journalism, market research, content analysis, and problem-solving positions.

- **Collaboration and Teamwork**: Promoting teamwork, collaboration, and interpersonal skills, essential for success in team-based projects, client interactions, leadership roles, and any collaborative work environment.