Crisp Packet Project

Enrichment Category: COMMUNITY

Link Subject: Science, DT

Suitable for: KS3 and KS4 suitable for boys and girls

Run by:  Miss Bennett 

Note:  Crisp Packet Project is a registered charity for supporting homeless people. This volunteering activity is ideal for people thinking of doing Duke of Edinburgh Award and looking for volunteering opportunities.

What is this enrichment about? 

Step into the dynamic world of the Crisp Packet project enrichment club at OIEA, where sustainability meets creativity, and volunteers unite to make a tangible difference in the community! Join a passionate team of eco-warriors and change-makers on a mission to transform used crisp packets into innovative upcycled foil survival blankets for the homeless. Dive into a world of recycling, repurposing, and environmental stewardship as you collect, clean, and craft these discarded packets into useful items which would normally take 80 years to decompose in landfill. Collaborate with local charities and organizations to raise awareness about waste reduction, environmental conservation, and sustainable living practices. 

Weblink to charity website: 

How will this enrich my learning? 

Participating in the Crisp Packet project club can enrich your learning by:

- **Environmental Awareness**: Raising awareness about sustainability and waste reduction.

- **Hands-On Sustainability**: Learning recycling and upcycling skills for sustainable practices.

- **Community Engagement**: Engaging in community initiatives and social responsibility.

- **Teamwork and Collaboration**: Developing teamwork and communication skills through group projects.

- **Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving**: Encouraging creativity and innovation in sustainable solutions.

What will I develop as a result of this enrichment? 

Participating in the Crisp Packet project club can help you develop skills for future careers:

- **Environmental Awareness**: Valuable for environmental advocacy, green marketing, and sustainability consulting careers.

- **Hands-On Sustainability**: Prepares you for roles in waste management, sustainable design, and circular economy initiatives.

- **Community Engagement**: Benefits roles in community development, non-profit organizations, and social impact sectors.

- **Teamwork and Collaboration**: Enhances teamwork and communication skills crucial for various work environments.

- **Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving**: Improves problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity for diverse career opportunities.