
Enrichment Category: Mind

Link Subject: Music, Drama

Suitable for: KS3 and KS4 suitable for boys and girls

Run by:  Singing Teacher - contact Mrs Selby 

What is this enrichment about? 

The choir enrichment club at OIEA offers students a harmonious and uplifting experience that transcends the ordinary. Welcoming voices of all ranges and abilities, from shower singers to seasoned performers, the club provides a vibrant and inclusive space to explore the world of choral music. Students have the opportunity to blend their voices in beautiful melodies, learn diverse music genres, and experience the joy of creating harmonies together. Through regular rehearsals, vocal exercises, and performances, participants not only enhance their musical talent but also cultivate teamwork, discipline, and confidence. The club aims to create a supportive community where each voice is valued, where passion for music is celebrated, and where lifelong friendships are formed through the power of song. Whether you're belting out ballads, hitting high notes, or simply embracing the magic of music, the choir enrichment club promises an enchanting journey of self-discovery, unity, and musical bliss.

How will this enrich my learning? 

Participating in the choir enrichment club at OIEA can enrich your learning in several ways:

- **Enhanced Musical Skills**: Engaging in choir activities allows you to improve your vocal techniques, learn to read music, and develop your ear for pitch and harmony, enhancing your musical abilities and appreciation.

- **Improved Discipline and Focus**: Regular rehearsals and performances require discipline, focus, and commitment, helping you cultivate time management skills and the ability to balance academic responsibilities with extracurricular pursuits.

- **Boosted Self-Confidence**: Singing in a choir can help boost self-confidence and self-expression, as you gain comfort in performing in front of others and contributing your voice to a collective musical effort.

- **Promotion of Teamwork and Collaboration**: Working together with fellow choir members promotes teamwork, cooperation, and collaboration, fostering social skills, empathy, and the ability to harmonize with others both musically and interpersonally.

What will I develop as a result of this enrichment? 

Participating in the choir enrichment club can help you develop skills for future careers: