Camp Craft

Enrichment Category: Future

Link Subject: Geography, Food Technology, Duke of Edinburgh

Suitable for: KS3 and KS4

Run by:  Mrs Daniels ; Mrs James 

What is this enrichment about? 

The Camp Craft Enrichment Club offers a unique opportunity for outdoor enthusiasts to delve into the world of wilderness survival skills, nature exploration, and traditional camping techniques. With a focus on hands-on learning and experiential education, club members have the chance to learn essential outdoor skills such as fire building, shelter construction, navigation, foraging, and knot-tying. Led by experienced wilderness guides and camping experts, the club provides a supportive environment where participants can hone their camping abilities, deepen their connection with nature, and cultivate self-reliance in the great outdoors. Whether mastering the art of setting up a campsite, learning how to cook over an open fire, or identifying local flora and fauna, the Camp Craft Enrichment Club offers a rich and immersive experience that encourages exploration, discovery, and a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

How will this enrich my learning? 

Engaging with the Camp Craft Enrichment Club can enrich your learning in numerous ways, providing both practical skills and valuable insights. 

By participating in hands-on activities such as:

you will gain first hand experience in essential wilderness survival techniques. This experiential approach enhances your understanding of:

Moreover, learning from experienced guides and fellow enthusiasts creates a collaborative learning environment where you can share knowledge, exchange tips, and broaden your proficiency in camping and outdoor skills. Overall, involvement in the Camp Craft Enrichment Club not only enhances your practical outdoor skills but also deepens your appreciation for nature, fosters a sense of adventure, and cultivates a lifelong passion for exploring the great outdoors.

What will I develop as a result of this enrichment?