Boys Rugby

Enrichment Category: Body

Link Subject: PE

Suitable for: KS3 and KS4

Run by:  Mr Smith ; Mr Cotton 

Need to know:  Rugby is planned to run on the grass pitches therefore students would need suitable studded boots, and are advised to bring trainers to training for walking to and from pitches and to allow for wet weather training options. 

What is this enrichment about? 

The Rugby Enrichment Club at our school prioritises participation and skill development over intense competition like the school's competitive teams. It provides a welcoming environment for students of all abilities to enjoy learning about the the game, learn new techniques, and foster a love for rugby. The club's focus is on creating a sense of community, teamwork, and sportsmanship among its members. With friendly matches, skills training sessions, and opportunities for fun drills and exercises, the Rugby Enrichment Club aims to instill a passion for the sport and encourage lifelong participation in rugby, regardless of skill level. 

How will this enrich my learning? 

Participating in the Rugby Enrichment Club can enrich your learning experience in various ways. Firstly, it offers a practical application of:

which are essential both on and off the field. Working with teammates towards a common goal can teach you valuable lessons about collaboration and leadership. Additionally, practicing and improving your rugby skills can enhance your 

Engaging in a sport like rugby can also boost your mental health by providing a stress-relief outlet and boosting self-confidence. Overall, the Rugby Enrichment Club provides a holistic learning experience that goes beyond the classroom, helping you develop important life skills while enjoying the game you love.

What will I develop as a result of this enrichment? 

Participating in the Rugby Enrichment Club can lead to the development of various skills and attributes that can positively impact your personal growth and overall well-being. Through regular practice and participation, you can enhance your:

Overall, engaging in the Rugby Enrichment Club can help you cultivate a well-rounded skill set, foster personal growth, and enjoy a fulfilling and enriching experience both on and off the field.