Baking & Cooking

Enrichment Category: Creativity

Link Subject: Design and Technology

Suitable for: KS3 and KS4

Run by: Ms Henshaw, Miss Moore

Need to know:  ** Please note to reduce costs we will purchase ingredients in bulk, but there will be a small nominal cost payable by Parent Pay for this club, once you have a confirmed place.**

What is this enrichment about? 

Do you know about the various nutritional value of various foods? Which foods are full of carbohydrates, natural sugar or protein? This enrichment activity is about teaching you how to cook more balanced, healthier meals, how to cook dishes from various cultures around the world as well as how to cook on a budget (something which is becoming increasingly important with rising food prices). You will also learn about food hygiene so that you are less likely to poison yourself or others. 

How will this enrich my learning? 

Cooking and eating more balanced meals will help support a healthier lifestyle. This means not only will you feel better about yourself, but your concentration levels will improve, and you will feel more energised! This will support you in both your learning in school as well as in the activities you take part in outside of school e.g. football, cadets and gymnastics. You will also learn about different cultures through preparing, and of course eating, foods from different cultures around the world. 

What will I develop as a result of this enrichment? 

You will learn how to cook meals that meet the main food groups, so you are able to have a more balanced diet alongside a greater appreciation of cultures from around the world. The school attributes you will develop through this enrichment activity include: 

• Inquisitive – what foods go well together, and which don’t? 

• Thoughtfulness - What foods from around the world do you enjoy? 

• Links Concepts – Using the main food groups plan and prepare healthy, balanced meals.