Ohio In Hindsight

by Conrade C. Hinds

These books cover a wide range of Ohio's historic contributions and extra ordinary events that forged America into a great country that was built by many ordinary nameless men and women of diverse cultures and talents over the past two centuries. Ohio geographically is regarded as the heart of America. It is often said that America didn't build Ohio. Instead, it was Ohio that built America.

The Columbus Experiment of 1908 was the moon landing of its day. It introduced new technology for treating drinking water and wastewater that eradicated a typhoid epidemic.

A devastating flood that covered a third of the country. This flood changed the way in which annual flooding was managed. It also resulted in the introduction of Water Conservancy Districts.

Sells Brothers, John Robinson, Walter L. Main and S.H. Barrett were big 19th century Ohio circus names that competed with Barnum and Bailey when the Ringling's were still a small tent show.

Some see Ohio as a rustbelt state, but its heritage of invention and manufacturing is merely in transition. It is proving this by making everything from bricks to high-tech microchips.