Mosquito Lake State Park

Program Updates

***Please note that these are the scheduled programs for the summer, but other opportunities may arise for special activities at our beautiful park and programs may be canceled or changed due to weather. Check Mosquito Lake State Park Facebook and our Lake Programs webpage ( for updates and cancellations on these types of opportunities. Notify the naturalist if special accommodations are needed for your participation. At ALL times, children must be accompanied by an adult.


Saturday December 21st

2024-25 Winter Hike Series – Mosquito Lake First Day of Winter Hike  


Saturday December 21st

S’mores on the Shores 

Cancelled due to wind and cloudy coverage. 

Wednesday January 1st

New Year’s Day Hike at Mosquito Lake State Park

Please note that schedules may change and the most up-to-date information can be found on the Mosquito Lake State Park Facebook page or above at the tops of this page. Cancellations and time change will also be posted as information is available on both locations. For verification of the programs details by phone, please call either the park office at 330-637-2856 or the campground store at 330-638-5700.