God answers prayers out of the goodness of His heart and because He loves us. He answers prayers to show us His glory and power, to remind us that He is sovereign over our lives and cares for us every moment (Psalm 46:1).

God also answers our prayers because He loves us. He desires for us to be in close relationship with Him and wants us to recognize His presence in our lives. He answers prayer as a way of expressing this love (John 3:16). When we pray and God answers our prayers, it draws us close to Him.

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God also answers prayers to fulfill His promises. He knows the needs of His children and He promises to meet those needs (Matthew 6:30). We can trust that God will answer our prayers if we ask in faith. We can be sure that He will answer in His perfect timing and when it is best for us (Psalm 31:14-15).

God loves us too much to leave us in our sin and will always answer the sincere prayers of those who are truly seeking Him. We can have faith that He will grant us mercy and grace when we come before Him in repentance.

We discovered that, once we come to believe in God through his son, Jesus Christ, our prayers need to be based on trust in God, knowing that he always wants what is best for us. In prayer, we ask for God's help, mercy and compassion according to what he wills for us, for God always knows what is best.

The title of the book refers to a quote that Capote chose as anepigraph: "More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones".[1][2] The quote is attributed to Saint Teresa of vila, although there is no evidence that it is authentic.

Though my experience and my health have had some scary moments, I do feel renewed in my faith. I found a novena for people experiencing illness and my husband had printed me several prayers for St. Luke's intercession for health. I started doing both on a schedule: novena to start my day and St. Luke prayer before bed. I added the Chaplet of Divine Mercy back into my day. God is helping me put my prayer life back in order.

My medical issues have been scary, and I have had to put my faith in God for healing and recovery. I have been pushed outside my comfort zone. I am dealing with frustration and anger. But God will continue to help me work through that. God hears our prayers.

Therefore, we are often unprepared for the answers we receive from God. His answers frequently do not look at first like answers. They look like problems. They look like trouble. They look like loss, disappointment, affliction, conflict, sorrow, and increased selfishness. They cause deep soul wrestling and expose sins and doubts and fears. They are not what we expect, and we often do not see how they correspond to our prayers.

If we ask God for greater wisdom and discernment, what should we expect to receive? A steady stream of mind-bending, confusing answers that are difficult to understand and work through, because our powers of discernment are trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil (Hebrews 5:14).

God answers prayers. In September 2017, I found out that I was pregnant with baby #3. Six weeks into the pregnancy, I started experiencing some symptoms that I never had while pregnant with C and M. I prayed that whatever was different this time around was that I was having twins. For some reason, I felt like I needed to pray. Symptoms stopped but returned at eight weeks. This time it was worse. I continued to pray that all was ok and that we were having twins.

After being a Christian for a while now (almost a decade), I have come to realize a pattern with God, myself, and other Christians. As stated in the title, it seems that the more we pray is the more God answers our prayers. Those who practice prayer/commit themselves to prayer, as they know that conversing with God daily is akin to watering/developing their relationship with God. In my Christian life, I have ups and downs with my prayer life. When I analyze these years, I know for a fact that when I prayed frequently, God granted me what I requested ( or at least gave me a clear reason why his answer was no). However, during the years when I prayed--say once or twice every 3 months, my prayers seemed to get ignored/ rarely answered by God. During these years, I remember feeling embarrassed! Like I prayed and God just ignored me. In response, I did the wrong thing-- I pray less! Because hey, my prayers weren't being answered anyway. However, little did I know that my lack of prayer was the very thing that caused my prayers to go unanswered.

Now looking back, I understand why. God has no obligation to answer our prayers when we don't make Him an obligation. Is he our God or not? I mean, if we barely talk to him enough to even develop a relationship with him-- how can we expect him to answer us the one time we choose to give him a second of our time? He is obligated to speak back to us on what basis? What is he even to us when we barely converse with him? Once I started obeying Phillipans 4:6 which calls us to saturate ourselves in prayer daily and 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 pray without ceasing**,** I saw how wrong my "payer is a hit and miss for me" mentality was.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that God never answers sporadic prayers. He does! He definitely answered some of mine during my years as a semi-prayerless Christian. There were prayers I prayed out of desperation that he answered before the prayers were even over (in some cases). But those instances were rare. Those were acts of his grace. However, I can honestly say that it has been a whole different experience since I started coming before God daily. Why? Because when we do this, we give God something to work with. What is that something? A heart that actually cares enough about our relationship with Him that we talk to him every day--regardless of whether or not we feel like it!!! You do it because we care enough to do it even if we don't feel like it. You're obeying his principles about prayer.

TDLR: It seems like God answers the prayers of those who make themselves familiar with him...those who make it their mission to make prayer a part of their daily lifestyle; those who commit to making prayer a daily part of their lives. So, all my false judgments (made out of irrational frustration with God); that prayer didn't really work, that God didn't care enough..were all wrong. He barely answered because I barely prayed.

As we go through these biblical examples, the best thing to keep in mind is that no matter what we think, want, or do, God is the One who sees all, knows all, and loves all. While we may not always understand the way He answers our prayers, or the ways He communicates back with us, we can always trust that He has our ultimate well-being in mind.

This story shows us how perfect God is at answering our prayers, but it also shows us a good way to respond when our prayers are answered. When Hannah finally had her child she gave all the glory to God, acknowledging that it was He who had given her this tremendous gift (1 Samuel 2:1-11).

Sometimes He gives us tremendous blessings, or He answers our prayers before we even ask. Sometimes He asks us to wait and rely on Him, and other times He tells us no, assuring us that He has something far greater in store.

In one sense, it seems Mr. White, as well as our Protestant friends he represents by his statement, is stuck in an Old Testament mindset. It is true that we do not see Old Covenant faithful initiating prayer to the dearly departed, but this is to be expected because the faithful dead before Christ and the beatific vision afforded by him would not have had the power to either hear or respond to those prayers. Moreover, the Old Covenant People of God did not have the developed understanding of the after-life that only came with the Revelation of Christ.

When Peter showed up at the place where people were praying, they were astonished that God had actually answered their prayers. Is that not similar to our reaction of amazement when God actually does answer our prayers?

As those years went by, I started to pray harder and look for answers. First, I recounted the stories in the Bible where God made women barren for some reason like Rachel, because of her hatred towards her sister Leah (Genesis 29:31, Genesis 30:1.) Was I hateful? Surely I was a bit envious of those who boasted about getting pregnant as soon as they started trying, but was that really enough for the Lord to not answer my prayer?

Your little boy is beautiful and truly a gift from God. I struggled too with getting pregnant for my second child and was given Clomid. My third child is truly my miracle baby . After years of giving up having a third child I became a foster parent and tried to adopt my foster child but, God had other plans for me. I eventually was told I would never have kids again and needed a hysterectomy at 30 years old but refused and, tens years later I got pregnant with my little boy. Yes, I agree with you God answers prayers! I enjoyed reading your post. Happy Birthday to your sweet baby ! Kim @ This Ole Mom

It amazes me how God cares about the big things and the small things in life. He has answered some sizable prayers for me. He has gotten me the job of my dreams, helped me buy and sell homes, healed my family, provided for my family, and blessed my sons with wonderful wives. He constantly protects and guides us, and yet He is also aware of small details.

TAKE ACTION: Start keeping a prayer journal where you write down the things you've prayed for (and the things that God talks to you about during prayer) -- it will encourage your faith to see all the answers you receive!

My heart aches with the implications of all these ardently, open-handedly, carefully requested-and-answered prayers. These answered prayers point away from something that, amidst the right surge of emotion, I feel I wanted more than any of them. Where did I go wrong?

3. Thank Him for the little things in your life. Strawberry Sundays piled high with whipped cream, that smile from your friend, the clean water we can have anytime of day, the blanket that keeps you warm in the cold night. etc.

Gratitude raises you up as you take the time to see all the gifts He has placed in your life. Thank Him for the answered prayers and for what He is doing right now in your life. Remember, GAP- God Answers Prayers! e24fc04721

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