The below method uses ThreadPoolExecutor to upload multiple files to SharePoint. The upload_file_lst is a list of files. We get the folder URL from the context object using the relative_url of the directory we created in our previous step.

SharePoint is a website-based collaboration system that empowers business teamsto work together and implement business process automation (Satapathi, 2020). Afictitious company ABC provides a digital publishing platform for writers. The companywants to use a SharePoint document library to manage articles and some corporatedocuments. After writers submit their articles through a web form, A Python programmoves the articles to the SharePoint document library. Then, ABC editors reviewthese articles. If articles do not fit the platform, the editors tag the articleswith the "Rejected" label. Otherwise, the editors put the "Approved"label on the articles. Then, another Python program carries these articles to afile server for publication. The program places corporate documents in a sub-folderof the document library.

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We add two columns to the library: Category and Status. The Category column isa free form text field. A writer can determine a category for his/her article duringuploading process. Editors can recommend a category for an article. The Status columnis a choice column with four options: Submitted, In Process, Rejected, and Approved.The default value of the choice column is "Submitted." After completingthe setup, we upload a document to test the library. The document library shouldlook like Figure16. In the next section, we use Python scripts to upload, download, anddelete documents. That section also covers steps to add values to the Category column,create a folder and handle files in the folder.

At the ABC company, we use a Python program to move the uploaded files from awebserver to the SharePoint document library. After editors review articles anddetermine to publish them, we use another Python program to move the latest versionsof the files from the document library to a file server. We also use Python codeto upload some corporate documents to a sub-folder of the library. During development,we created a Python application project using Visual 2019 (Zhou, 2020). We createa virtual environment for this project using this requirement.txt:

A document library may contain folders, which are similar to folders in the WindowsFile System. To organize corporate documents, the ABC company wants to group variousdocuments in different folders. In preceding sections, when we uploaded files tothe Publication library, the files went to the root folder. We can create foldersinside the root folder. These folders may have independent permissions.

We want to download all forms (files marked with Category "Form") inthe Administrator folder. We first create a folder object to represent the documentlibrary folder. The folder object tells us the folder's relative URL in SharePointOnline. A CAML query then uses this URL to find all files in the folder. Next, wedownload the file to the file server.

To delete a file from the document library folder, we should first find the listitem that contains the file. From the list item, we can construct a file objectthat provides a delete object method. Next, we invoke the delete method to removethe file from the folder. The following code deletes all forms from the library.

The ABC company may need to find all files being in the category "Approved."Since a document library has folders, and the folders may have sub-folders, theprogram should search for files recursively. When constructing a CAML query, wecan specify the scope for returning list items and list folders. When we pass thescope "ViewScope.Recursive" to the CamlQuery.parse() function, the functionsearches for files that satisfy the query in all folders.

Next, the article showed how to connect to the SharePoint document library, uploadfiles to the library, and download and delete files from the library. The Pythonprograms provided a way of adding metadata to an uploaded document. We also demonstratedtechniques to access SharePoint document library folders and handle files in thefolders. The last piece of the Python code could search for files in the documentlibrary recursively.

Note that in the Folders results, there are also Files and Folders objects, so the idea of recursion is there, though the objects are deferred. Because each folder has a ServerRelativeUrl value, you can dig as deep as you need to.

I am working on C# Web Application connected with SharePoint online via REST. I want to move a child folder with Metadata from one parent folder to other parent folder in same document library. Do you know how to achieve this? If possible kindly share the Rest call with __metadata payloads.

I'm currently trying to get a zip file from a Sharepoint folder to my Azure Blob storage. The SharePoint environment belongs to a partner company. I have a personal login/password to manually access this SPO without any kind of VPN or MFA. I was trying to use Azure Data Factory to get the file daily automaticaly. 006ab0faaa

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