Hello OES Kindergarteners!

Parents and Caregivers, we hope you are finding this site helpful. Please feel free to email your child's teacher with any questions you may have, and will get back to you as soon as possible. We also would love to have pictures of your children learning at home...feel free to share those with us so we can post them here!

Bishop: orvl_bishop@tccsa.net Davis: orvl_kdavis@tccsa.net Howell: orvl_howell@tccsa.net

Jones: orvl_cajones@tccsa.net McMorrow: orvl_lhelems@tccsa.net Tope: orvl_atope@tccsa.net

Week 7

May 4th - 8th

Week 8

May 11th- 15th

Week 9

May 18th - 22nd

Additional Resources

Looking for some other fun and engaging activities to do at home? Check out these free resources!

Red Rider Reading Corner-Kindergarten

Don't forget about our YouTube Channel, where we will be posting read alouds often!

If you're not already familiar with Remind, it is a classroom communication tool that makes it easy to stay involved with your child's learning.

Most kindergarten teachers use remind, or another platform, and post often.

Please email your child's teacher for their specific class code!