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Hello everyone! I hope all is well. I am a full time teacher in Technology Education who is looking to change professions to web development. I am a self-taught developer with a Bachelors degree in Exercise Science. I hold teaching certifications in Math(6-9), Technology Education, Health Specialist, Physical Education, and Drivers Safety Training. I have been at learning to code for about 6 months. I started out with the Odin Project obtaining most of my initial information on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I moved into learning through W3schools and gained certifications in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Front End Development. I am currently practicing coding using freeCodeCamp. I have placed my resume on LinkedIn, Indeed, Career Builder, and Glassdoor. I have yet to have ANY contact from potential employers/recruiters. I know I have a LOT to learn, there is just SO much information to know, however I am extremely eager and excited with learning all there is to know about coding. Can anyone help give me advice on how I can put myself in a position to learn on the job? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much! -Ashaad Y.

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One of the things I would suggest doing is read through the other job posts in the Career Advice section of the forum because there is a lot of helpful advice from working developers on how to land that first job.

I started out with the Odin Project obtaining most of my initial information on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I moved into learning through W3schools and gained certifications in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Front End Development. I am currently practicing coding using freeCodeCamp.

As others have pointed out, this is just not true. But I do think that the usage of macOS for developers is higher than the general population. Not necessarily because macs provide a better experience, but because Apple has traditionally made it very hard to run their OS in a virtual environment. Thus, if you want to be able to test on both Windows and macOS from the same computer, it has been much easier to use a macOS and run Windows in a VM than it has been to use Windows and run macOS in a VM (and I think for a lot of the past it has been basically impossible to run macOS in a VM).

XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality.

The last thing I loved about the Foundation section was how some lessons send you off to read documentation, blog posts and articles. I love this because it closely mirrors how software development works in the real world. Software developers spend a good amount of their time browsing documentation, reading blogs (and dare I say it), consulting Stack Overflow.

A decent resource here is a book called Cracking the Coding Interview. It gives you a very quick rundown of various data structures and algorithms and how to use them effectively in coding interviews and the real world.

Odin Validator builds on the tried and true patterns and existing systems of Odin Inspector to let your developers specify and build out validation logic and criteria and specify fixes as easily and quickly as Odin Inspector lets them build useful tools and editors, through attributes and powerful yet simple extension patterns like custom validators, rules, fixes and more.

Giving designers powerful, open-ended tools that can do a lot is often very fragile, as opposed to hard-coding robust but more limited behaviour into the game. Often, flexibility is traded for robustness by programmers reluctant to expose fragile values and the inner workings of game systems to designers who may not understand the full picture of how to use them and which limitations apply - or the programmers do expose it all, and designers may get into trouble.

The Odin Project is one of those "What I wish I had when I was learning" resources. Not everyone has access to a computer science education or the funds to attend an intensive coding school and neither of those is right for everyone anyway. This project is designed to fill in the gap for people who are trying to hack it on their own but still want a high quality education.

Today I announced my first official job as a developer after accepting a position as Junior Software Engineer with Novatec GmbH. I see this job as a long time coming, and the culmination of years of interest in technology and coding, but the truth is that I will be starting only a year after I began programming in earnest.

Enter The Odin Project. I had mentioned in a Facebook group for mums that I wanted to learn to code, and one of the women sent me this link. I had tried a few online tutorials but they had all involved just 'coding along', without giving me an understanding of what was actually happening. The Odin Project is a free written course with an incredible Discord community, where I was able to not only learn web development languages, but also learn web development set-up: from IDEs and npm packages through to Git and ES6 modules.

Renowned for its adaptability and user-centric design, Obsidian stands out for its open ecosystem, which places a strong emphasis on community-driven plugins. These core plugins, crafted by dedicated developers and users alike, serve as the backbone of Obsidian's remarkable flexibility. They empower users to tailor their note-taking experience, adding specialized features, improving workflows, and enhancing overall productivity.

What's notable is the ease of creating plugins in real time; npm scripts allow you to instantly detect code changes, and the Obsidian Hot Reload plugin speeds up development several times. In addition, Obsidian provides developer tools like popular browsers, simplifying the debugging process by accessing the console and directly inspecting elements on the screen. This flexibility in the Obsidian API allows developers to bring their creativity to life, unlocking the full potential of Obsidian to create unique note-taking experiences and more. Honestly, it feels just like making a web application in a modern and robust environment. I'll miss this when I get back to regular web development.

When designing these frameworks, it is generally fair to assume that a typical multi-disciplinary modeller is a domain expert and technically minded, but should not have to become a software engineer in order to develop an efficient implementation3. Therefore, as developers of computational frameworks, we should aim to lower the barriers of entry by using a programming language favoured by researchers in the targeted domain, designing a clear and well-documented application-programmer interface (API), and making installation, use and reuse as painless and portable as possible. We can enhance uptake by combining sensible software engineering choices with carefully designed statistical and computational methods. This make design advantages such as speed, unit-tested code and reproducible random number generation as broadly accessible as possible.

With these aims in mind, we describe the development of three libraries in the R programming language8, designed to make the implementation of state space models as easy and reliable as possible. R-like code in the odin domain-specific language (DSL) is automatically transpiled (converted between two high-level programming languages) into C++. This C++ code is then compiled into a dynamic library (loaded only when needed) with an R interface. The resulting code is portable, and the generated libraries are lightweight and computationally efficient. This procedure offers the performance and careful memory management of compiled code, without requiring the user to have any specialist programming knowledge. Additionally, we include an R package, mcstate, which provides routines for common inference and prediction tasks. Compiled models also link with functions directly callable from R, so users are free to develop more flexible uses and inference procedures using R programming. An overview of these packages and how they interact is shown inFigure 1. We provided detailed examples of applying these tools to simple stochastic epidemic models, both here and in the package documentation.

For a typical user, a model will be written in the odin DSL, and the odin.dust package used to convert this into a dust model (which is an R object). This object can be used directly with functions provided by the dust package to run the model forward across a time series. With simulated or observational data, the mcstate package can be used to fit the model to this data using various techniques based around sequential Monte Carlo (particle filters).

For use with ordinary differential equations (ODEs), odin transpiles to C code ( -ide.github.io/odin/) or JavaScript ( -ide.github.io/odin.js). For the models in this paper, we focus on transpilation of discrete time stochastic models into C++ using a framework (dust) that we describe below. In both cases, odin has an R interface, allowing its standalone use, or inclusion in R packages.

In addition, we tested the speedup of a large SEIR (susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered) model for COVID-19 transmission in the UK, implemented using theodin DSL, usingdust andmcstate to infer its parameters. Due to 19 age-classes which add structure to most of the model compartments, the model has around 1000 compartments in total. The computation time of running simulations of this model is therefore dominated by many random number draws, and so can be efficiently parallelised using the techniques described above. We confirmed this using a CPU profiler, finding that at least 61% of processing time being spent in the rbinom() function (described below). This dust model and its interface is namedsircovid20, and its code and documentation can be found at -ide.github.io/sircovid. Running withnP = 100 for 2000 steps, one MCMC chain on a laptop took around 1 hour with a single core, and showed roughly linear speedup with number of cores when used for either extra particles or extra chains. 2351a5e196

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