Libro Un Noviazgo Con Proposito David Hormachea Pdf 24

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Review of Noviazgo con propsito by David Hormachea

Noviazgo con propsito (Dating with Purpose) is a book by David Hormachea, a Christian counselor and speaker who has been helping couples and families for more than 30 years. The book offers practical instructions for achieving a successful relationship based on the Word of God and His wise counsel.

The book addresses the importance of the premarital season called dating, which is not a simple step before marriage, but much more than that. It is determining under certain premises the future of the couple as managers of the family. And those premises can only be those offered by the Word of God and the wise counsel of His will.

The book covers topics such as: the purpose of dating, the characteristics of a good partner, the dangers of physical intimacy, the role of parents and friends, the preparation for marriage, and more. The book also includes testimonies, questions, and exercises to help readers apply what they learn.

The book is available in ebook format and can be purchased from various online platforms such as OverDrive[^1^] and Scribd[^2^]. The book has received positive reviews from readers who have found it helpful, biblical, and realistic.

If you are looking for a guide to date with purpose and honor God in your relationship, you may want to check out Noviazgo con propsito by David Hormachea.Here are a few more paragraphs for the article:

David Hormachea is the founder of the organization that bears his name, which aims to strengthen families and marriages through conferences, books, radio programs, and counseling. He has a doctorate in theology and a master's degree in family counseling. He is also an ordained minister and a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors.

He has written more than 20 books on topics such as marriage, parenting, sexuality, leadership, and personal growth. Some of his best-selling books are: La mujer: Sus tensiones y depresiones (The Woman: Her Stresses and Depressions), El adulterio: Qu hago? (Adultery: What Do I Do?), Cmo ser padres buenos en un mundo malo (How to Be Good Parents in a Bad World), Cartas al joven tentado (Letters to the Young Tempted), Cartas a mi amiga maltratada (Letters to My Abused Friend), and Tesoros de intimidad (Treasures of Intimacy).

He lives in Corona, California, with his wife Nancy. They have four children and nine grandchildren. He travels frequently to different countries to share his message of hope and restoration for families. He also has a Facebook page where he posts updates and videos about his ministry.Here are some more paragraphs for the article:

Noviazgo con propsito is not only a book, but also a movement that encourages young people to date with purpose and purity. Hormachea has given conferences and workshops on this topic in different countries, reaching thousands of people with his message. He also has a radio program called Noviazgo con propsito, where he answers questions and gives advice to listeners.

The book is full of quotes and insights that challenge and inspire readers to pursue God's plan for their relationships. Some of them are:

"El noviazgo es una temporada de preparacin para el matrimonio, no una temporada de diversin sin compromiso." (Dating is a season of preparation for marriage, not a season of fun without commitment.)

"El noviazgo no es una prueba de amor, sino una prueba de carcter." (Dating is not a test of love, but a test of character.)

"El noviazgo no es un juego de nios, sino una responsabilidad de adultos." (Dating is not a game for children, but a responsibility for adults.)

"El noviazgo no es una cuestin de sentimientos, sino de principios." (Dating is not a matter of feelings, but of principles.)

"El noviazgo no es una aventura de riesgo, sino una inversin de futuro." (Dating is not a risky adventure, but a future investment.)


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