At that point, you are pretty much locked out of Octopus and either have to add a UPN to the Domain Administrator account or re-install Octopus from scratch to use another user as the Octopus administrator (though you may be able to change the authentication provider through the command line (I haven't tried this! See -rest-api/octopus.server.exe-command-line/configure. )

A bit of searching lead me to this Stack Exchange answer -what-scenarios-will-i-use-netsh-http-add-urlacl that made things a bit clearer and in turn pointed to this Microsoft explanation -us/windows/win32/http/namespace-reservations-registrations-and-routing?redirectedfrom=MSDN.

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I am trying to connect my Octopus V1.1 to windows using USB2 (which is a USB 3 connector). I am able to power the board with this connection but am unable to connect to Windows 10. I have tried 2 different machines.

@bennyrobert I never seem too find the Kraken area in which you can stay and become a Kraken, that would be real fun. Found that from here- In Edge Surf game we can become the octopus!!!! - Microsoft Community

I use an Octopus Deploy step template to make a http request to key pages on my site - the home page, the status page etc. That way if the basics have broken my octopus release is failed before I even need to check it manually.

I needed check a site that used Windows Authentication had deployed ok and the HTTP Test step only supported basic or anonymous authorisation so I decided to role up my sleeves and give back to the octopus community. Under the hood step templates are just Powershell, and under that you have access to most of .net so passing a kerberos auth token was not that hard - I just used System.Net.WebRequest with the appropriate System.Management.Automation.PSCredential.

I also made a pull request into the public octopus deploy library on github to add this new feature there too and it was accepted within a few hours. The guys over at octopus really do a good job of dev friendly tooling.

So, the short answer for your question will be: there is no simple way, how you can just export octopus project and import it as Azure DevOps pipeline. You have 2 ways on how to proceed: try to implement in ADO totally the same flow that you had on octopus or optimize your flow using all features that ADO provides. Personally, I support the second approach.

There is always something about the octopus which makes it different from all the other animals in this world. Aside from having 8 tentacles, it can be scary and feared yet considered to be a delicacy and a nice creature to see in salt based bodies of water. Appreciate the beauty of the Octopus with the use of this Windows 10 wallpaper theme.

For each step that use the old template, you must create a new step that uses the new template. You should set all the fields to the same values as the original step. It's useful when you're doing this to have two browser windows open so you can copy and paste details from the original step to the new one.

There was lots of PR buzz this week surrounding the fact that Microsoft Cortana accurately predicted the results of 15 out of 16 World Cup matches. That's great. But Paul the Octopus managed 12 out of 14, which statistically, ain't that far off. Perhaps the real value of big data analytics is only marginally better than a psychic octopus," he notes. ff782bc1db

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