Every time I post grilled octopus on one of my social media pages, I always get asked if I boil it. My answer? No. Why? Well, I think it tastes better when it isn't boiled prior to hitting the grill. Pre-boiling will not guarantee a tender and tasty grilled octopus. It'll guarantee a tasteless one. I know there will be lots of people (who boil) that may not agree but I think it's time they tried grilling it my way. Then decide.

The next grilled octopus question I get asked a lot is...."How do I know it's ready?" Grilled octopus needs more time on the grill than calamari and most seafood. The biggest mistake made is taking it off the grill too early. It should be 'probe tender'! If you probe the octopus and there's resistance....it's not ready. Just like the good old brisket! You may have heard 'probe like butter' for brisket.....a perfectly grilled octopus will probe the same.

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I've been grilling octopus since I was 10 years old. Is it easy? I wouldn't say it's super easy or hard but it takes patience to perfect the art of grilling octopus and achieving a tender result. That's for sure! Once perfected, it's the yummiest and most impressive seafood dishes.

1. Freeze fresh octopus for a minimum of 24 hours, if it hasn't been frozen prior. If it has been frozen previously when you buy it, allow it to fully defrost, pat it dry with paper towel before marinating it.

4. Allow octopus to reach room temperature before placing it on a hot grill. This is so important! I have seen so many people take it out of the fridge and then straight onto the grill. Don't do that!

5. Until you have perfected the art of grilling octopus, use a digital meat thermometer. The internal temperature of cooked octopus should measure between 150f (65c) and 160f (71c) when ready to be removed from grill. Don't under cook it! The connective tissue won't start breaking down until 130f (54c).

6. The grilled octopus should be probe tender when it's ready to come off the grill. It's this tip I want you to remember more than any of these.There shouldn't be too much resistance when removing a probe, if the octopus is ready.

The octopus coordinates multiple, highly flexible arms with the support of a complex distributed nervous system. The octopus's suckers, staggered along each arm, are employed in a wide range of behaviors. Many of these behaviors, such as foraging in visually occluded spaces, are executed under conditions of limited or absent visual feedback. In coordinating unseen limbs with seemingly infinite degrees of freedom across a variety of adaptive behaviors, the octopus appears to have solved a significant control problem facing the field of soft-bodied robotics. To study the strategies that the octopus uses to find and capture prey within unseen spaces, we designed and 3D printed visually occluded foraging tasks and tracked arm motion as the octopus attempted to find and retrieve a food reward. By varying the location of the food reward within these tasks, we can characterize how the arms and suckers adapt to their environment to find and capture prey. We compared these results to simulated experimental conditions performed by a model octopus arm to isolate the primary mechanisms driving our experimental observations. We found that the octopus relies on a contact-based search strategy that emerges from local sucker coordination to simplify the control of its soft, highly flexible limbs.

Hello @rokapet, appreciate knowing am not alone. Have also started from scratch a few times, tried both dfu-util and STM32CubeProgrammer to upload CanBoot firmware to the EBB36. Even tried uploading Klipper without CanBoot to EBB36 at 0x0800 0000.

The octopus has a unique ability. It can change the color, pattern and even texture of its skin not only for purposes of camouflage but also as a means of communication. The most intelligent, most mobile and largest of all mollusks, these cephalopods use their almost humanlike eyes to send signals to pigmented organs in their skin called chromatophores, which expand and contract to alter their appearance.

As part of the experiment, Ramirez shone white light on the tissue, which caused the chromatophores to expand and change color. When the light was turned off, the chromatophores relaxed and the skin returned to its original hue. This process, Ramirez noted, suggests that light sensors are connected to the chromatophores and that this enables a response without input from the brain or eyes. He and his co-author, Todd Oakley, an EEMB professor, dubbed the process Light-Activated Chromatophore Expansion (LACE).

The problem that you will find (after installation is complete), is that, by default, the built in Domain Administrator account does not have a User Principal Name (UPN) and without a UPN, Octopus cannot find the account in Active Directory.

At that point, you are pretty much locked out of Octopus and either have to add a UPN to the Domain Administrator account or re-install Octopus from scratch to use another user as the Octopus administrator (though you may be able to change the authentication provider through the command line (I haven't tried this! See -rest-api/octopus.server.exe-command-line/configure. )

The deep-sea octopus Graneledone boreopacifica, on the other hand, produces a relatively small number of eggs (between 155 and 165), and then watches over them until the babies inside are well developed and, therefore, more likely to survive.

Deep-sea octopuses need to find rocky slopes at the bottom of the ocean to which to attach their eggs, and scientists had seen octopuses guarding their eggs in this spot before. This time, however, the slope was octopus-free, although the researchers did notice an octopus moving over the sandy floor toward the hard surface.

When the ROV cruised past the same spot 38 days later, the team saw the same octopus (identified by a tell-tale scar on the webbing between her legs) was perched on the rocks, guarding a clutch of eggs.

Even if you buy an octopus freshly caught, it is best to freeze it for a couple of days before eating it. The freezing process breaks down the fibers inside the octopus, making it more tender and easier to cook, and giving it the best texture.

My husband and myself tried this octopus recipe for dinner tonight. It was so easy

to make and was delicious. We will definitely make it again for guests next time. They

will certainly enjoy it as much as we did. Thank you for posting it.

Never had octopus before but decided to try this recipe. Delicious! I added fresh squeezed lemon juice and grated lemon zest as I love lemon with my seafood. Will definitely make it again. Question: if using baby octopus would you still need to boil them? If so, for how long?

As a result, cephalopods have excellent vision that can coordinate their camouflage response almost immediately. The accuracy of the camouflage, in fact, is controlled almost completely by their vision. When the vision of several cuttlefish was experimentally disabled (temporarily), the cuttlefish could still change color and skin texture, but were unable to correctly match the background. Without their eyes, all they could do was make some sort of a change and hope for the best, generally without success.

Under such circumstances, the ability to detect light vs. dark areas through their skin without waiting for their eyes would be a huge advantage. At least as far as light and dark are concerned, a cephalopod could potentially begin patterning parts of its body without waiting for or even needing the eyes. If vision is partially blocked for some reason, aspects of the camouflage response can still kick in. Who needs a shell when your whole body is an eye?

Over the next four and one-half years, the researchers dove at this same site 18 times. Each time, they found the same octopus, which they could identify by her distinctive scars, in the same place. As the years passed, her translucent eggs grew larger and the researchers could see young octopuses developing inside. Over the same period, the female gradually lost weight and her skin became loose and pale.

Most female octopuses lay only one set of eggs and die about the time that their eggs hatch. The eggs of Graneledone boreopacifica are tear-drop-shaped capsules the size of small olives. As the young develop inside the eggs, they require plenty of oxygen. This means that the female octopus must continuously bathe the eggs in fresh, oxygenated seawater and keep them from being covered with silt or debris. The female must also guard her eggs vigilantly to prevent them from being eaten by predators.

Because the young octopus spend so much time in their eggs, by the time they hatch they are fully capable of surviving on their own and hunting for small prey. In fact, the newborns of G. boreopacifica are larger and better developed than the hatchlings of any other octopus or squid.

In their recent paper, the researchers point out that octopus eggs, like those of other invertebrates, develop more slowly in cold water. The seawater near the ocean floor at the Midwater 1 site is about three degrees Celsius (37 degrees Fahrenheit), which is typical for the depths of Monterey Canyon.

This research suggests that, in addition to setting records for the longest brooding time of any animal,Graneledone boreopacifica may be one of the longest lived cephalopods (a group that includes octopuses, squids, and their relatives). Most shallow-water octopuses and squids live just a year or two.

As an Octopus customer with a self installed solar system without MCS cert, I've been talking to them about this. Its certainly not opening the doors to everyone. Its a trial, with a 250 price tag to participate, and I don't believe its even for solar, told it for car chargers and those with battery systems. Octopus make too much on solar referral payments to pre arranged MCS certified installers to want to give that up, Even though its not a legal requirement.

Getting MCS installers to sign off DIY projects is certainly problematic and to be honest I think it would be difficult for MCS installers to do this without leaving themselves open to losing their MCS status. That said, if the house of cards is looking like being torn down then maybe existing MCS installers might be more willing to take that risk to earn some extra cash before it all collapses. If it's a case of paying Octopus 250 to get on the trial or pay an installer 250 to sign off the installation then why not? In fact this would probably be the final nail in the coffin for MCS if the market was flooded with MCS certs although I suspect MCS might notice if a company doing say 20 certs a week suddenly started doing 100! :D ff782bc1db

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