As Assad Ebrahim wrote, the problem is with the toolkit. I got another problem in version 3.8.2. that the gnuplot didn't work at all. No plot windows showed and a I needed to close Octave. If someone have the same problem, the solution is to download gnuplot and install it to Octave folder. It replaces old gnuplot and the new one is working.

I have similar symptoms using octave 4.2 when running your code (Cannot close plot windows, plot takes time to appear). When statements don't end with semicolon (;) the command and result will be printed in command window. It SEEMS to me that the command window halts interpretation of code and wait for user to press a valid key (f,b,q) to contunure or abort execution. The halt point is dependent on previously executed code and size of command window, therefore the intermittent nature of these symptoms.

Octave Download For Windows


The problem might be caused by Emacs octave-mode's --no-line-editing switch, you can fix it by M-x customize-variable RET inferior-octave-startup-args RET and change --no-line-editing to --line-editing.

I installed Octave 4 (from here) which has both a GUI and a CLI.However, Octave doesn't seem to be added to the PATH variable, so typing octave or octave-cli into the command line doesn't do anything.Is there a way to fix that (without adding all the other executables in Octave's bin directory to PATH as well)?

How I installed it:

1. Install Mercurial if you don't have it, add it to the Windows path

2. Clone the repo:hg clone octave-windows

3. Open the MSYS2 shell installed with Octave

4. Install the missing packages: pacman -Sy autoconf automake

5. cd octave-windows

6. make dist

7. On Octave, install it using the full path: pkg install c:\...\octave-windows\release\windows-1.3.1+.tar.gz

How I installed it:

1. Install Mercurial if you

don't have it, add it to the Windows path

2. Clone the repo:hg clone 


3. Open the MSYS2 shell installed with Octave

4. Install the missing packages: pacman -Sy autoconf automake

5. cd octave-windows

6. make dist

7. On Octave, install it using the full path: pkg install


I followed your instructions.

MSYS2shell should be the same cmdshell, right?

At step 4 I am not sure anything is installed because the packages are not

available. Where are they?

By the switch -d a directory is created with these names but not anything

is inside.

At step 5, I couldn't get what cd octave-window should do. Not such a

directory is created.

Failing that, make dist also stopped working at step 6: make: *** No rule

to make target 'dist'. Stop.

The package seems installed correctly at step 7.

At step 5, I couldn't get what cd octave-window should do. Not such a

directory is created.

Failing that, make dist also stopped working at step 6: make: *** No rule to make target 'dist'. Stop.

At step 5, I couldn't get what cd octave-window should do. Not such a

directory is created.

Failing that, make dist also stopped working at step 6: make: *** No rule

to make target 'dist'. Stop.

For OSX, your best best is a binary installer (see _for_MacOS_X), alternatively, you can install from Homebrew, though as of July 6, 2014, this functionality was broken in OSX 10.9. If you use the installer, you might want to add the octave binary folder onto the path. To do so, add to the file .profile (or create it) in your home directory:

In this video, Simon explains how to locate and navigate through the new Tracks Window. Notice that this window is similar to tracks windows seen in most DAWs, and allows for lossless data manipulation in a familiar environment.

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2024 includes over 30 new features, like 256 available tracks, 32 VSTi/DXi synth instances, modern color scheme for some windows, new arrow buttons to change the current time, chord symbols to display in the Track window, 48 tracks to display in the Mixer, the ability to hide any extra masters or auxes in the Mixer, improved handling of VU levels in the Track window, better VU levels display when recording to mono tracks, and much more!

Also, Octave does not start any GUI windows - it did before when i had Opensuse 13.1, now on OpenSuse 13.2 - no GUI windows appearing, but i can see the program running as a process in a terminal window.

But I would like to use the new qt plot window that comes with octave 4.0. I really want octave to work as it should. My final option if nothing works is to compile and build octave from source, but I'm reluctant to do that just yet.

Initially I wasn't able to replicate this, but then I tried the octave GUI (which I'd never used before). While octave-cli works fine for me, the gui showed this problem for me too (and a couple others which seem to be due to octave's gui not playing well with a non-reparenting WM). In my case the plot window was not black, but initially showed up with just borders. Once I moved/resized it the plot window controls appeared, but the plot area just maintained a copy of whatever had been behind it.

yes, plotting in octave-cli works. However it seems to be using the old plotting interface. However plotting in octave or octave --no-gui results in that black window. It's a shame really. I will try to see if logging in using Xorg helps, as it could be a wayland thing.

That said, over time I've found a few weird bugs, such as all black plots when saving as eps and plot legends with a lot of space between them if you increase the font size. To work around this I do all the processing in octave then save the data I want to plot and then plot it with gnuplot, which I believe octave can use directly but doesn't really work well. It's a bit of a kludge but gnuplot has not failed me yet when plotting to eps.

Thanks! I needed to compile LIBSVM for 32-bit windows. I downloaded Visual Studio Express 2012 for desktop. That worked. I am using Octave-3.2.4 (not especially for Visual Studio). That worked. I did not need to edit math.h .

We automatically install a Jupyter kernelspec when installing thepython package. This location can be found using jupyter kernelspec list.If the default location is not desired, remove the directory for theoctave kernel, and install using python -m octave_kernel install. Seepython -m octave_kernel install --help for available options.

The command line options to Octave can also be specified with anOCTAVE_CLI_OPTIONS environment variable. The cli options be appended to thedefault opions of --interactive --quiet --no-init-file. Note that theinit file is explicitly called after the kernel has set more off to preventa lockup when the pager is invoked in ~/.octaverc.

An error that starts with gnuplot> set terminal aqua enhanced title can be fixed byadding setenv("GNUTERM","qt"); to ~/.octaverc on MacOS or by installinggunplot-x11 and using setenv("GNUTERM", "X11").

Set the environment variable OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE="octave"echo export OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE=\"octave\" >> ~/.bashrcMake a directory for the temporary plot directories that the kernel uses. This cannot be a hidden directory.mkdir ~/octavePlotsSet plot_dir to point to your plot directory in = dict(plot_dir='/octavePlots')where is the absolute path to your home directory. Do not use ~ as this resolves to a different location for Octave-Snap.

Octave is called quietly by means of "System" in "". Usually Octave creates a lot of stdout output when starting. To remove unwanted output, you can apply filter keyword, and only stdout output after the keyword will be returned. See a "multiply.m" Octave script. Octave errors are parsed in a simple way to create LabVIEW error, Octave warnings are ignored. In the case of error, call string of Octave is sent to the error description, so you can copy it and test it manually from windows console.

basically,i have downloaded the octave using the link you provided then the two V.Is that you have given and the multiply.m.i have put these 3 files in the same folder.i run test and i get 0 as result stderr returns empty string,hence no error returns..Am thinking,since you have already tested it then this means that I am doing something wrong,if you can just give me some suggestions on what you think i could be doing wrong that might help me figure it out,,,i use windows Xp..i have trired setting changing result=value1.*value2 in .m file and setting result=2 and hence expecting that when i run test octave i will get a 2 as the result but it returns 0..(with no error returns)

And the GNU Octave is working? Did you tried to run octave separately from Labview and tested the multiply.m? The vi does nothing more than calling octave from commandline. I have tested it in winxp, unfortunately every windows OS is behaving slightly differently, and some errors shows up on stderr, but some errors shows only in stdout. Switch off the filter key and look at the full output of the command line. You can also take a look, what command is sent to System and try the command yourself in window command line.

awesome..i have run octave alone and that's when i figured out why i was getting the zero..basically value1 and value2 are passed from test as floating points in string form,hence the 3 and 4 are passed as 3,0 and 4,0 respectively however multiply.m receives the the two variables as multiply(3,0,4,0) and since it's expecting only two variables it seems to me like it will pick the fast two numbers (in this case 3 and 0) and hence return the result as zero ...thank you very much e24fc04721

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