(Special Education Parent Advisory Group)

What is SEPAG?

A Special Education Parent Advisory Group, or SEPAG (sea-pag) is a state-mandated, district-level, parent-driven group charged with providing input to the local school district on system-level challenges in special education and related services.

Our Mission:

The mission of our group is to encourage honest and effective communication, understanding, and mutual respect in a supportive partnership inclusive of all students, parents, educators, and the community. Our efforts are to strengthen the collaboration and partnership with the district in order to ensure the delivery of appropriate services to students with special needs.

What is the purpose and function of a SEPAG?

A SEPAG gives parents the opportunity to provide direct input to their school district about policies, programs, practices, and services that have an impact on students with disabilities and their families. An effective SEPAG can increase the proactive involvement of families by inviting input that can be used to shape local special education policy.

Participation in a SEPAG offers the opportunity to raise questions, voice concerns, and provide direct input to district and school leadership.

An effective SEPAG that uses parental input can:

  • help improve educational outcomes and well-being for all students, including those with disabilities;

help identify unmet needs;

  • help shape the development of programs, services, and policies; and,

  • improve district culture and climate.

Who can be a member of a SEPAG?

Parents are the core members of a SEPAG. This includes parents of children with disabilities who may have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) who are educated in schools within or outside of the student’s home district. Parents do not need special training or background knowledge to be a member of a SEPAG. PLEASE NOTE THERE IS NO MEMBERSHIP FEE TO BE PART OF SEPAG.

Other members may include:

  • school leaders, including the District Supervisor of Special Services and/or members of the Board of Education

  • teachers, Child Study Team members, and other school professionals

  • students and former students

  • other parents committed to improving education in their district community leaders and other citizens


  • an advocacy assistance group, which focuses on upholding rights for children and advocating for change from outside the system;

  • a limited campaign dedicated to addressing a single issue or immediate concern; or

  • a Special Education PTO or PTA, which might plan carnivals, classroom activities, dances, fundraisers, or other events. (That's what SEPTA is! Link to SEPTA here.)

See here for more information about the role and function of SEPAG.