- Take these easy first steps
Get the FEMA app for iOS or Android to receive real-time weather alerts, locate emergency shelters in your area, prepare for common hazards, and more.
Sign up for Clackamas County Public Alerts
Sign up for Oregon City School District Flash Alerts
PulsePoint is a 911-connected app that can immediately inform you of emergencies in our area. Get it for iOS or Android.
Create a new contact in your phone called "OC 4 Emergency" and set the URL to "https://sites.google.com/view/oc4-emergency-plan". Watch this how-to video.
Follow the social media accounts below.
2. Make a plan for you and your family
3. Get trained, get involved
Make a plan for you and your family
Get some training
Disasters likely to occur and response actions needed.
Assignment of responsibilities to priesthood and Relief Society.
Maps, addresses, and contact information of members.
Procedure to account for missionaries and members following a disaster.
A list of members with special needs.
Procedures to assist members who may experience emotional trauma.
A list of members with available resources such as medical training or the ability to operate heavy equipment.
How stake leaders will contact the area office (outside the United States and Canada) or Church headquarters (United States and Canada) following a disaster.
Contact information for the local government, the Red Cross, and other emergency response agencies.
Kids attending same school, school plans,
PREPARE: https://www.clackamas.us/dm