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- show ability to integrate audio technology with one or more other subject fields

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AES Beijing Section held training course for listening test

On the morning of March 16th sponsored by Beijing Aisin Jufu Electronic Music Equipment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Aixin Jufu) AES Beijing Section arranged the first "Listening Evaluation Experiment". This course was grandly held in Aisin Jufu's "AES Engineer Training Camp". The course is aimed at audio and sound engineers at home and abroad. The purpose is to cultivate the subjective and objective hearing of young audio engineers to achieve the most accurate evaluation of the sound.


General Manager of Ai Xin Jufu Gao Aijun and Chair Wang Shusen, in order to provide professionalism and quality assurance, invited Professor Wang Zexiang from China Radio International, Liu Zili, a senior engineer of Beijing Electroacoustic Electric, and Professor Li Guoqi and Professor Lu Hongya from Beijing University of Technology. Most of the students are graduate students in Beijing, doctoral students, and young technical engineers in the audio industry. The students also injected fresh blood into the audio industry.

The course is divided into six stages. On the morning of the 16th, the course was first guided by Section Chair Wang Shusen to outline the mission of the AES Society and the world-recognized international standards developed by AES. Introduce AES member organizations, AES research results, academic and engineering report presentations and training and training courses, and simply guide the end and begin formal teaching.

Prof. Wang Zexiang introduced the five necessary conditions for sound quality listening evaluation and the standard evaluation term for listening evaluation, provided a standard program source for sound evaluation in the class. Liu Zili focused on the objective criteria of sound quality and the technical requirements of the listening environment and the listening electroacoustic system. In the audition process of playing the standard sound program source for the students, the two teachers told the methods and steps of the sound quality evaluation, and personally gave the students a sample score to let the students clearly experience the listening evaluation process.

On the afternoon of the 16th, prof. Lu Hongyao outlined the historical evolution and development of "listening to the formation of hearing", and invited Mr. Li Guoqi to research and develop the software of the listening system of the "Shen ear" in China, and added functional innovations in the research for many years. In 2014, he produced and released the book "Shenfang" software and listening training system. During the audition training of the listening training, the students conducted a lot of contrast training on pure tone, pure tone volume, pure audio frequency, high harmonic components, audio high and low cut frequency and reverberation time. This kind of training requires a long period of practice accumulation, combined with the habits of Chinese audio engineers, to carry out systematic hearing improvement. Prof. Li Guoqi focused on reverberation time theory and auditory illusion and aesthetic experiment. These demonstration examples vividly explain the "magic power" of the sound, improve the artist's artistic and technical aesthetics, and increase the interaction with the students.


On the morning of the 17th, prof. Wang Zexiang and Mr. Liu Zili focused on the electrical theory of audio, learned the knowledge of audio circuits, and the audio multi-meter bridge system, which clarified the various audio measurement units and theoretical concepts, and distinguished the VU and PPM tables. Use the difference to experience the effect of the phase on the sound and learn to use the phase correlation table to view the phase of the stereo audio signal. Under the guide of the two lecturers, the simulation of the listening evaluation process, the two pairs of audio equipment in Aixin Jufu "AES Engineer Training Camp" conducted an effective listening evaluation.


On the afternoon of the 17th, Wang Shusen introduced the duties and research directions of the members of the AES, and introduced the professional English terminology of listening evaluation and the method of translating the English original text in the audio direction. It focuses on the ways and means of learning professional English in audio direction, and gives examples of audio professional English learning and translation methods, so that the professional audio English level of students can be greatly improved over a period of time. Afterwards, the general manager of Ai Xin Jufu Gao Aijun led the students to visit and experience the YAMAHA Nuage Nuendo 5.1.4 panoramic sound film and television mixing studio, and the general manager Gao Aijun briefly introduced the immersive film sound production process and the use of the overall system.


Finally, Ai Xin Ju Fu Mr. Gao and AES Beijing Section Wang Shusen jointly issued a certificate of completion of the listening evaluation experiment course for the students, and wished the students to develop and progress in their studies and careers, and to create a higher level of research results for the Chinese audio industry. This course also fully explains the importance of listening training and listening evaluation. We hope that there will be more excellent courses for students and audio engineers in the future. 2351a5e196

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