Add to these objections, the fact that Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 have nothing to do with public corporate worship. Then too, texts like 1 Corinthians 14:15 and 26 speak about newly-inspired songs sung in the New Testament Church.

Professor Scott Sanborn insists exclusive Psalmody is insufficient for New Testament praise. He writes that the mystery of Gentile inclusion in the church, specifically revealed to the Apostle Paul (Eph. 3:4-6), is not present in the Psalms. Dr. Vern Poythress and Dr. Leonard Coppes insist that the regulative principle is fulfilled in Christ along with other aspects of the ceremonial law. Confining praise to the Psalter is, therefore, outmoded and contrary to Scripture. Dr. T. David Gordon goes a step further. The Psalms themselves command believers to sing about all the deeds of God, which presumably includes the incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection. Confining worship song to the Psalter is, therefore, positively sinful to Dr. Gordon.

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Each of these objections will be answered, seeking to show that the Psalter is sufficient for New Testament praise. Along the way, it will also be shown that these objections fail to appreciate the real beauty of Psalmody, that is, its subjective element meshed with its eschatology.


Is it not I, the LORD [Yahweh]? / And there is no other God besides Me, / A righteous God and a Savior; / There is none except Me. / Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; / For I am God, and there is no other. / I have sworn by Myself, / The word hasgone forth from My mouth in righteousness / And will not turn back, / That to Me every knee will bow, every tongue will swear allegiance [LXX confess] (Isa. 45:21-23).

Prutow, Dennis. Public Worship 101: An Introduction to the Biblical Theology of Worship, the Elements of Worship, Exclusive Psalmody, and A Cappella Psalmody (Kindle Locations 6383-6393). Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary Press. Kindle Edition.

Count me in a third category: I like the song and do understand what all the fuss is about. Now that I am seeing arguments about the song returning, I want to answer the two best objections; to its theology and to its art.

Writers have made the very good point that this Evangelical Protestant dabbling in Marian spirituality, while admirable, falls far short of the fully developed Catholic understanding of the role of the Mother of God. It has Mary asking questions that we know Mary knew the answers to.

One gets the idea from the Gospel of Luke that Mary certainly understood her significant role in salvation history, but nonetheless spent a lifetime processing that information (and later, some theologians say, spent the last years of her life sharing her wisdom with John and Luke).

A quick review: There are two kinds of art. The first is fine art: It is expensive to produce, high-quality and appeals traditionally to upper classes. Classical, Baroque and Romantic concert music are examples. Then there is folk art, which is more affordable, but also high-quality and appeals to working classes: Folk music, bluegrass and traditional music are examples.

Tom Hoopes, author of The Rosary of Saint John Paul II and The Fatima Family Handbook, is writer in residence at Benedictine College in Kansas and hosts The Extraordinary Story podcast about the life of Christ. His book What Pope Francis Really Said is now available on Audible. A former reporter in the Washington, D.C., area, Hoopes served as press secretary of the U.S. House Ways & Means Committee Chairman and spent 10 years as executive editor of the National Catholic Register newspaper and Faith & Family magazine. His work frequently appears in Catholic publications such as and the Register. He and his wife, April, have nine children and live in Atchison, Kansas.

In recent Clarion issues, solid biblical reasons have been put forward for why we should be singing more psalms than hymns[1] in worship at church, home, and school. Yet not all are convinced. Some believe that we should sing more hymns than psalms and they have raised objections to singing psalms predominantly. I thought it would be worthwhile to examine three common objections and see how they stack up.

At first that sounds like a strong argument, but what if we applied it to hymns? Do all biblically sound hymns suitable for church worship actually mention the name Jesus? You might be surprised how many do not, including long-standing favourites Abide With Me, Amazing Grace, Be Thou My Vision, Crown Him with Many Crowns, It is Well With My Soul, Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep, O Worship the King, Rock of Ages, and Take my Life and Let it Be. All of these are found in the new Trinity Psalter Hymnal, a song book which has gathered the best hymns of the OPC and URC/CRC traditions.

(Rev Peter H Holtvluwer is minister of the Spring Creek Canadian Reformed Church at Tintern, Ontario. This article was published in Clarion Aug 23, 2019, and is republished here with his kind permission.)

Many Christians object to the exclusive singing of Psalms in worship. Some are happy to sing the Psalms but believe that we may, or even must, sing uninspired songs. Others still are against Psalm singing altogether. The following pages answer common objections from both perspectives.

Unfortunately, the situation is not much different in our time. I am equally amazed at the high rate of biblical illiteracy in the American church today. Although the Bible is within reach of every American, it is virtually buried in many homes and churches. Nevertheless, it is because of biblical illiteracy and a few peripheral factors that we have misunderstandings over many aspects of our faith.

I firmly believe Scripture teaches that we will be able to recognize those we knew in this life once in heaven. However, there are also sincere, born-again believers in Christ who know the Bible well and would disagree with me, not because of biblical illiteracy or ignorance, but because they fear robbing God of His glory. Therefore, my purpose here is to lovingly reason from Scripture against that notion by articulating three objections from the opposing side and then answering them from Scripture.

Hello Cynthia,

I lost my dear sweet soulmate and my best friend this past June4th 2020 To Ovarian cancer after a 3 1/2 year battle she did do conventional treatments only treatments where done was in Mexico. There has been a great hole in my heart and grief beyond what I could ever imagine. I know where she is and I know I will see her again but it does nothing for the pain I have in my heart.

I will never remarry again because she was that special to me and because of vows we made to each other before her passing. We know there is no marriage in heaven but our relationship with each other will be far better then on earth. I hate cancer!! It destroyed my life on earth with a friend who love me unconditionally and was always there for me. Now I am left behind with 4 children 24,22,21 & 12 one just got married on Saturday 9-17 she was my oldest and she was married without her mom there. And I had to walk her down the isle knowing that my soulmate of 27 years is in heaven now. I miss her all so much!

 Thank you for words of encouragement


I recommend a book written by Rob Bell and the name of the book is Love wins. Basically the premise is That God wins his beloved back. It would not be fair to not tell you that the book is controversial. I became a fan of this particular author because of this book even though many people love many of his books. But many things in our world right now are controversial and I still highly recommend this book.

God knows we are weak humans that make mistakes. This was a mistake that she did dabbling with drugs. God forgives you of your sin and died on the cross to wipe all our sins on earth away. I prayer for you to have some peace in this life and trust in God, that you will see your daughter again.

I feel just like you , my 26 yr old son,who was still living at home with my wife and i, died march 2019, and i still wrestle ,praying ,hoping, believing, suffering That God will allow me To Hold him and tell him i Love him again when my time comes to be with the Lord , i can only believe that All is True , there is no other answer ,or purpose for our abilty to Love ,have Compassion or Empathy for others If Jesus was not Real

God love to all of you and mine too, we lost our beloved grandson on his 25th Birthday October 29th, 2020.

We are beyond devastated and this article has given me some peace, I know our Lord is holding my sweet boy and his pain and sorrows are gone, I just keeping seeking the answer I want to hear of course that I will be with him again.

just read study ist.cor.15-this speaks of Christ as firstfruits of dead came back to life.all those in this faith also he will bring with he in new eternal spirit bodies bless good lord keep u safe in his loving care embrace/his death in exchange for life given to us of the faith/

I believe since we know God is a God of love, the most important thing to Him is love. Jesus said, the two great commandments, to love God and love others as yourself. It says in scripture the 3 greatest things is faith, hope and love. Yes the ones we love and the love that is given to us and created by us we will take with us. We will remember those that loved us and those we loved. It will be the very beginning of our journey into heaven. First the love for God and Christ, love for others, including the ones we first loved here and then love for all other saints who have trusted Christ as their Savior and are in heaven too. It will be love built upon love built upon love for all eternity because our Trinity is love.

You have the truth in Isaiah 65:17 and people should put their eyes on the truth rather then agree with what sounds good . You have it and the word will always give the truth no matter how many people might disagree with it or want it to be their way Amen. 152ee80cbc

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