At the same time, decision was made by the State Service to transfer to the state budget 27,412,962 manat of income received by SOCAR PETROLEUM CJSC as a result of activities that do not meet the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Regulated Prices" and "Antitrust Activity". If such cases will be detected in the oil market in the future, the most severe measures will be taken in accordance with the law.

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Oba Market Mehsullari

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Under the Ministry of Agriculture "Agro Procurement and Supply" OJSC (APS) will participate in the Moscow International Food Exhibition (World Food Moscow), which will be held in the capital city of Russia on September 24-27. The main purpose of the participating in the exhibition is to promote local products and establish new international cooperation. The Moscow International Food Exhibition is a major exhibition that serves the global food and beverage industry and has been held since 1991. The exhibition is the main center of cooperation of international manufacturers wishing to enter the big Russian market since its first day. Food and beverage manufacturers from around the world are participating in this platform to promote their products. Considering importance of the Russian market for Azerbaijan, APS will be represented at the exhibition with local products and international promotion of products will be realized. Zagatala tea, Hashimi rice, peas, rice flour, as well as dried fruits and vegetables (feioja, tomato, cherry, apple, etc.), black and white raisins, almonds, saffron tea packaged by the "Agro Procurement and Supply" OJSC under the brand name "From Village to City" will be presented at the Moscow International Food Exhibition. As part of the event, the APS delegation will hold a number of meetings to further develop international relations and increase exports of local products. In addition to its main responsibilities, APS also supports small and medium farmers and local food producers to export products abroad. So far, with the support of the APS, local farmers have exported products to traditional markets such as Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, non-traditional countries such as the United Arab Emirates and Nigeria.

Azerbaijan was the second country in the Caucasus region to join the global SPAR network with Araz being selected as the partner to build and develop the SPAR Brand in the market. A company servicing more than 37,000 daily customers, Araz operates convenience stores and neighbourhood supermarkets.

In the local market these products are distinguished by the superiority of traditional ingredients. These products contain 100% high quality products and no chemical additives are added. Natural spices give a special flavor to meat and dairy products.

Hl bu harasdr? "Zakaz Online Supermarket" btn mhsullara 10% endirim tqdim edir. Yenic istifady verilmi onlayn marketin alclar 24 saat srtli atdrlma il btn nv market al-verilrini rahatlqla hyata keir bilirlr.

Promo mhsullar ndir? Reklam, irktin faliyyt istiqamtindn asl olmayaraq hazrda marketinq strategiyasnda mhm yerlrdn birini tutur. Mhsul, irktin faliyyti haqqnda lazmi mlumatlarn auditoriyaya atdrlmas, uurlu sat v mnftin artmasna sbb olur. irktimizin mtxssislri bu mqsd nail olmaq n irktinizin tannmasnda, trzin ykslmsind lav olaraq xidmt gstrck mvafiq promo mhsullar hazrlaya bilr. Bizim promo mhsullarmz elc d mkdalq haqda xo hdiyy v xatir olacaq.

Suvenir mhsullar masir marketinqin n geni yaylan v tannm elementlrindn biridir. Suvenir, irktiniz haqqnda dana v onu daim istehlakya xatralada bilcyin gr reklam baxmndan byk hmiyyt ksb edir. Suvenir mhsullar zlliyin vurulanmasna v daha ox mtrinin clb edilmsin kmk ed bilr. Korporativ hdiyylr mtrilrin etibarnn qazanlmas v irktin nfuzunun artmas, hminin kollektiv daxilind mhkm korporativ hval-ruhiyynin yaradlmas yolunun balanc olacaq.

Expertise and Experience: CKH Group boasts a team of highly skilled professionals with extensive expertise in the fields of tax, accounting, and consulting. Our team members have diverse backgrounds and are committed to staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends, regulations, and best practices. As an Atlanta accounting firm, we have years of experience serving clients in Atlanta, Georgia, and beyond, we have developed a deep understanding of the local market and can provide tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

2020-ci ild irkt rebrendinq edrk yeni loqosunu tqdim etmidir.[13] Yeni loqo  komponentdn ibartdir: "OBA" sz nian, yal forma v sar stok. "OBA" marketlr bksinin sas rngi yaldr. Loqonun digr rnglri is hdflrin daha aydn v anlalan olmasna xidmt edir. Yal rng "OBA" marketlrin xas olan inkiaf, salamlq, tbit, travt v sxavti, sar rng dostluq, xobxtlik v nikbinliyi, "OBA" szn yazmaq n istifad olunan a rng is safl v tmizliyi tmsil edir.

Azrbaycan bazarnda "OBA" marketlr bksini frqlndirn xsusiyytlrdn biri d irktin z marka mhsullarnn istehsaln hyata keirmsidir[15]. 2016-c ildn balayaraq hl d sat davam edn irktin z markalar aadak kimidir:[16]

"OBA" marketlr bksi 2021-ci il 30 aprel tarixind "OBA Market" mobil ttbiqini istifady tqdim etmidir[26]. Kebek funksiyasn yerin yetirn ttbiq tqdimatn 22-ci gnnd "Play Store" Azrbaycan reytinqind 1-ci yerd mvqelnmidir.[27]

Foster Farms Turkey

Foster Farms Fresh Young Turkey and Fresh Young Turkey Breast are both gluten-free.

Honeysuckle White Gluten-Free Turkey

Honeysuckle White markets gluten-free turkeys. The company's website recommends that consumers "refer to product packaging for current and most accurate product information."

Phocaea was taken over by the Genoese in 1275 as a fief from the Byzantine emperor, and was an active Port during the Middle Ages, principally due to the region's rich alum reserves. The alum mines of Phocaea were conceded earlier by the Byzantines in 1267 to the Genoese brothers Benedetto and Manuele Zaccaria, who founded the Lordship of Phocaea.[4] The Genoese controlled the city even during the Ottoman era due to the lease they had gained from the Byzantines in 1275. Another important Byzantine concession to the Genoese through dowry was the nearby island of Lesbos, given to the Gattilusio family as a result of the marriage between Francesco I Gattilusio and Maria Palaiologina, sister of Byzantine emperor John V Palaiologos) in 1355. The possessions of the Gattilusio family eventually grew to include, among others, the islands of Imbros, Samothrace, Lemnos and Thasos, and the city of Aenos (modern Enez in Turkey.)[5] From this position, they were heavily involved in the mining and marketing of alum, useful in textile production and a profitable trade controlled by the Genoese.[6] 2351a5e196

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