NZT-48 Limitless

NZT is a nootropic drug that enhances human memory and intelligence while acting as a nearly perfect antidepressant and anxiolytic.

What is NZT-48 Limitless Pill?

This supplement uses the name of the famous movie because it offers a somewhat similar effect. It’s not a nootropic that gives your brain extra powers, but it does help a lot to maintain your focus and improve the quality of your memory. So, it would be best if you understood the name more as an inspiration than anything else.

NZT 48 pills easily from their official website only.

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NZT-48 Limitless Pill

The film Limitless follows Bradley Cooper and the use of a 'smart drug' called NZT-48. Does it really exist, and what are nootropics?

This supplement uses the name of the famous movie because it offers a somewhat similar effect. It’s not a nootropic that gives your brain extra powers, but it does help a lot to maintain your focus and improve the quality of your memory. So, it would be best if you understood the name more as an inspiration than anything else.

How NZT-48 Limitless Works

To get the desired effect from this product, you will want to take a single capsule every day with a glass of water. The best idea is to consume it during a meal, as some people face a few discomforts when they ingest it alone.

NZT-48 Limitless Ingredients


Arginine AKG:




Rhodiola Rosea:

NZT-48 Limitless Benefits vs. Side Effects


  • It will enhance your memory, allowing you to remember things faster than before.

  • Sharper analytical skills in several situations.

  • Help you to achieve more focus on routine tasks.

  • More balanced decision-making.

  • It may help you in your studies, independently of what they are about.

  • Longer attention span.

  • Protection against some brain diseases, including dementia, amnesia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Side Effects

  • Mild headaches in some cases.

  • You can have more side effects if you take too much of this supplement at the same time.