Teaching Resources for Inspiration

How to Navigate:

Click the button that pertains to your level. You will then be directed to a page that has lessons specific to that level. If you would prefer to scan the master list, either click the tab above or the button below.

In June of 2020, NYSSMA President David M. Brown charged this ad-hoc committee with looking at best practices being utilized in our schools in light of the Covid-19 Global Pandemic. The committee got right to work reviewing and collecting a database of lesson activities and resources that have been tested and vetted. We decided to present our findings in the form of a navigable website to support K-12 decision makers and music educators. We understand that this is a very fluid and constantly changing situation. The information below has been compiled to the best of our ability using current, developed practices of music educators. This resource list is ever growing, and should be considered a fluid resource. You will also see that there is opportunity for educators to submit lesson activities and resources as well.

We believe that music programs are extremely vital in the Covid-19 era. The health and safety of our students must be paramount during these difficult times. That certainly includes the social and emotional well being of our students. Participation in music is social, and it is also emotional. Schools that make the important decisions to support and foster music education during this global crisis, will be doing so in the very best interest of the well being of the students placed in their care.

NYSSMA has joined arts associations from across the country in sponsoring a research study at the University of Colorado. The study is examining aerosol rates produced by wind instrumentalists, vocalists, and actors, and how quickly those aerosol rates accumulate in a space. Preliminary results are expected in mid-July. We will be reviewing them very carefully and will add those conclusions to this document as soon as possible.

Follow this link for more information: Unprecedented International Coalition led by Performing Arts Organizations to Commission COVID-19 Study

We hope that our work here will provide a valuable resource as music educators work to provide their students a comprehensive musical education regardless of whether the instruction is delivered in person or remotely.

You may have noticed that many of our resources are geared towards General Music or Core Music. Many of us may not have performances, assemblies, or concerts this school year. We view this as an opportunity to recruit new students into our programs and for us to focus on the New York State Arts Learning Standards that are sometimes overlooked in an effort to focus on concert repertoire. Choir teachers may now have the time to focus on teaching concepts like expression using American Sign Language or teaching their choir members how to read an octavo. Orchestra teachers may now have the time to focus on helping students enhance their musicianship through ear training or by having students compare and contrast performances by different string ensembles. Traditional Band and Modern Band teachers may now have the time to focus on composing music using programs like Soundtrap or to build community after the trauma of a lost concert season. General Music or Core Music Teachers may use this library to help them try something new or to help their students explore different genres of music. The library of resources is ever growing, so be sure to check back frequently!