Nyssa Duarte

Nyssa Duarte RN is a Registered Nurse driven by a passion for holistic wellness and medicinal botany.

Nyssa Duarte academic pursuits began with the completion of an Associate’s degree in Liberal Arts Studies and Humanities.  This opportunity afforded her a unique chance to learn about a variety of topics and subjects, while she figured out what she wanted to pursue professionally.  It wasn’t long before Duarte’s professional purpose became clear.  As someone who has always enjoyed helping others, it was easy for her to decide on pursuing a career in Nursing.  On her journey to becoming a Registered Nurse, Duarte became officially pinned as an RN. 

Nyssa Duarte RN
Nyssa Duarte Women's Health

Alongside her career in nursing, Nyssa Duarte is also passionate about women's health and wellness topics. She is dedicated to helping others gain access to the resources and tools they need to achieve their health goals and lead happy and healthy lives through fitness, self care,  aging, stress relief, and beyond.  Duarte has found many useful wellness techniques through holistic health practices. Holistic health is an approach to wellness that combines mental, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual components of one's health and lifestyle. 

Herbal Medicine and Medicinal Botany

Nyssa Duarte is also a strong believer in herbalism and the use of medicinal plants to achieve results for treating certain diseases and maintaining overall health and wellness. Throughout her career, she has enjoyed researching this topic and learning more about the various uses and benefits different plants and herbs can have in healthcare. 

Nyssa Duarte Herbal Medicine